• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Actually yes, if we didn’t wear shoes all the time. The bottom of your feet will be more hardened from calluses where it meets the ground. Think about it this way, when we are kids we run around shoeless most of the time. For all intents and purposes, shoes have ruined our feet. Either by crushing them together, like women’s pointed shoes and men’s cowboy boots as an example, as well as allowing the soles of our feet to soften. As a kid I used to run up and down gravel roads and driveways barefoot without a care in the world, now the bottom of my feet can’t handle stepping on gravel without shoes.

  • The problem with the US is even if we had a consumer lobby, which I don’t think we do, we would be overrun by the big corporate lobbies in a matter of seconds.

    The only people that get listened to by our government are those who have the big money to control members of congress. We are supposed to have a government for the people by the people but instead we have a government for the rich by the rich.

    Those of us that don’t have billions of dollars don’t have a voice, even though they claim to listen, they don’t unless you can line their pockets with a few $100,000 thousand dollars a month.

    Our government official don’t care about us, they care about money and how to get more of it.

  • i’m not an anti-vaxxer, ut I do refuse to have my DNA modified by a vaccine. Not only that the risks associated with the vaccines for covid are too high for my health. I’ve already had 2 heart attacks, I don’t need a vaccine to increase the risk of another one.

    during the pandemic, before the lockdowns were completely lifted, I wore my mask for the sake of others. Not all anti-vaxxers can be lumped into your last comment. Oh and btw, I’ve had covid twice, once before it was even listed as a pandemic, and it did not put me in the hospital, but it did make me feel worse than if I had the flu.

    also, on another note, I thought the vaccine was supposed to HELP defeat Covid? Obviously that was a lie. Everytime a new variant comes around, all of a sudden you need another booster shot which has not been “programmed” to help with the new variant. At this point the covid vaccine is nothing more than a cash grab for big pharma.

  • I remember seeing an article stating that the oil companies here in the US won’t lower prices because they fear losing investors. That is their reasoning for the high prices.

    What is sad is the cost per barrel is the same as it was back in the 80’s and 90’s where we were paying $1.89 per gallon.

    Talk about fleecing the consumer. The only people surviving at these prices are the producers and investors.

  • I agree Firefox doesn’t have a large share of the browsers, but if you are basing it on user share then the only mainstream browsers are safari and chrome. However, the term third party is generally utilized as a fork of a primary access point or is the access point via another means, even if it’s original.

    For example, the apps to access lemmy are third party as they are not created by the original devs for lemmy. In this argument FF is classified as first party not third.

    Don’t get me wrong I understood what you were trying to say, but based on your reply then pretty much chrome would be the only mainstream browser.