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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 1st, 2023


  • for freedom and democracy. Supposedly what the alliance exists for.

    What? It’s been founded by a bunch of colonial nations (not ex-colonial at that point) still from time to time fighting colonial wars with war crimes and such. It has Turkey of all genocidal bastards as an important member.

    The only reason for its existence was accumulating power. Well, as with all alliances.

    Of course, kinda motivated by USSR redesigning its ground forces for capturing large parts of the world after they’ve been nuked. I’m not joking, that’s the reason ex-Soviet militaries so terribly suck at actually fighting - they are sort of a different mechanism, more like huge mobile garrisons to deploy in wastelands. Their analog of western ground forces was, say, VDV in Russia ; which is why despite nominally having the narrow function of paradropped assault troops, they’ve been used for every kind of thing important.

    But corruption is present in all countries, including the NATO members, so that’d be a bit hypocritical,

    Yes, and also weird.

    I don’t think the decision was ever on the table.

    Yes, when after 2 years of war and hundreds of thousands dead they meet and sign something about “discussing help to Ukraine” in case fighting gets more intensive by not clear which criterion - it means Ukraine is not becoming a member.

    About “irreversible path” - they’ve said such things about Georgia too. Ivanishvili’s party is not good, but there’s been plenty of time before they started acting like now.

  • Yep, that one where the person on the peak starts lecturing you in abstract terms about trying the simplest hypotheses and such, while you are trying to solve their problem.

    I know the philosophy part that asshole is talking about, only he has no bloody clue which part is simple and which is not here.

    It was a hang port on a switch in that case.

  • May have something to do with computers as they exist being defined by male psychology. Well, it’s understandable why swords, guns, rockets are, and same with computers.

    Basically sending instructions to change state. I don’t know how can a computer exist which doesn’t work like this and is still usable for the humanity, but this seems to be psychologically a bit more of a male thing. Maybe there’s nothing problematic for women but aesthetics there.

    If it’s something deeper, then maybe some analog optical\quantum\whatever computers of the future will push us to change paradigms for some drastic change in efficiency. And maybe those new paradigms will be more appealing to women.

  • Those people in the unconstitutional and unregulated organization called “president’s administration” in Russia (which de facto took over all the important functionality from parliament, the federal council etc since around 1996) sometimes consider themselves very smart and sensitive of irony. They are also very superstitious.

    Well, like people capable only of stealing and petty intrigues and achieving something at 10x the normal cost usually are.

    I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that this was their inspiration.

    (While V and Z likely just meant “east” and “west”, since В and З when carelessly drawn can be mixed up more easily, if the left part gets covered in mud or something.)

  • It’s not about short\long term or anything such.

    It’s about oligopoly that inserted itself at the core of the society (where town squares, pubs, inns and paper media would be in “good old times”), openly abuses it and claims it’s normal. They are basically monetizing lies and distortion.

    They are also very centralized and thus anti-democratic.

    Taxing is not enough. I’d say making commercial social media should be illegal as a thing. Get back to newsgroups and web forums.

    This doesn’t mean going back to stone age, nobody forces us to use actual Usenet. Freenet has decentralized newsgroups (Frost and FMS), it’s too slow, but P2P newsgroups are not an unsolvable task. Newsgroups don’t have to be text-only - if HTML e-mails are a thing, then so can be HTML is newsgroup posts.

    Of course nobody will make them illegal, they benefit the same people who make laws.