To her fans, Lich is a proud Canadian, a lioness of the movement behind the “Freedom Convoy” protests and the target of a justice system that won’t abide her anti-government beliefs. For the combined 49 days she spent in jail, first after her initial arrest during the 2022 demonstrations and again following an alleged bail breach last summer, she was in their eyes a “political prisoner.” It’s a title she, too, has embraced.

To the Crown, Lich is a nefarious actor who deliberately helped lead blockades that tormented residents, defied police orders, shuttered businesses and pushed the country to a state of national emergency.

    1 year ago

    Frankly I’m tired of all this “both sides” bullshit and treating every belief and opinion as equal to any other. Her “side” has shown they are not interested in honest dialogue and only seem to care about bullshit conspiracies.

    While I think we should put in an effort to listen to everyone, we’re well past the point of these screeching morons having any validity.

    We don’t invite flat earthers to geology conferences just because they have some belief or opinion.