• BombOmOm@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Nuclear and renewables together is where it is at. Anything less means more gas burned.

    • FiendishFork@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      It is unfortunate how deep anti nuclear sentiment goes with many people. Modern and future reactors are so different from old designs

      • Sir_Osis_of_Liver@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        Olkiluoto-3 Started construction in 2005, was supposed to be in service by 2009. It entered service this past year, somewhere around €7B over budget. It would have been more but for specific liability clauses in the contracts.

        Flammanville-3 started construction in 2007, was supposed to be in service by 2012. Currently, they’re predicting that it might come online in 2024. Initial estimate of €3,3B has bloated to €20B, for only a single 1660MW EPR.

        Hinckley Point C is already £10B over budget and years late, currently estimate in-service date is 2027.

        It’s no different in North America, with V.C Summer 2&3 project being cancelled while under construction, when the budget bloated from $9B to $23B. Vogtle 3&4 went from $12B initially to $14B, then to somewhere around $30B.

        Nuke supporters love the “Green” strawman. The reality is the utilities wouldn’t touch one with a ten ft pole if they have any alternatives at all, and it’s strictly due to the economics.

        Sweden has a solid base of existing nukes and hydro. The buildout of wind/solar even geothermal would be far faster and cheaper than additional nukes.

        • chaogomu@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          This video explains why every single engineering project ever has gone over the initial budget.


          When you factor in that a nuclear project will face additional hurdles, you get an idea why every reactor build these days is over budget.

          Because that initial budget was the back of the napkin calculation before any site surveys or permitting or anything else, because in order to get the permits for those site surveys and such, you need an initial budget.

          The press then reports these napkin numbers as if they were the final budget.

          As another note here, nuclear projects tend to face massive regulatory sabotage from people who are ideologically opposed for various reasons. (usually tracing back to money from fossil fuels). This drives up the cost considerably as well.

    • YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Nuclear is the cleanest energy available on the planet. The fuel lasts for decades and is 90% recyclable. Heat up water, make steam, spin turbines. That’s it. Then you recycle the rods and do it again. Only 10% of the energy can’t be used after decades of producing power.

      • LordR@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        Ah, I see, you want the nuclear wastes in your appartment/house because it is so clean. We finally found a place for it.

        Nuclear is nowhere near clean. And its waste stays radioactive for milennias. Renewable energy sources are way cleaner.

        • chaogomu@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          Here’s a little science lesson for you, the longer something is radioactive, the less dangerous it is. Danger is expressed as dose over time. If that time is hundreds of thousands, or millions of years, the dose per second will be miniscule.

          Also, if all the nuclear waste ever produced was gathered into one location, it would all fit on a standard football pitch. That’s how efficient this stuff is.

          And then you ask what do we do with this waste? Well, 90% of it can go right back into a reactor, a lot of the remaining 10% can be used in various industries, including medicine.

          The rest? Just bury it and forget about it, by the time any theoretical future civilization digs it up, it will have decayed into a stable form.

          The final little note, most of the anti-nuclear talking points were invented by the fossil fuel industry. Some of the talking points go back to the 1950s

          • LordR@kbin.social
            1 year ago

            The final little note, most of the anti-nuclear talking points were invented by the fossil fuel industry. Some of the talking points go back to the 1950s

            So instead of (rightly) not believing the fossil fuel industry you link to a website created by a guy working on nuclear reactors? This is exactly the same: big companies want everyone to build centralized big plants instead of local productionthat actually helps home owners and the regular people.

            Nuclear waste is a huge problem as many countries simply don’t find a place to burry the stuff. You don’t need a lot of nuclear material to cause consequences that will last for centuries.

            Nuclear Power Plants also might be safe under normal circumstances but they are not safe in case of human stupidity, wars and earthquakes/tsunamis.

            Compared to something like solar or wind nuclear is just stupid. It is unsafe, only big corporations profit of it, has huge risks, is centralized and therefore a risk factor, way to expensive and simply a bad idea. It also takes decades to build Nuclear Powerplants.

            So if you have some, let them keep running if you must but don’t build new ones, invest into safe sources of energy instead.