In short I’ve been suspecting for a while that I have ADHD but I don’t know how to go about figuring that out. I don’t want to come across as one of those weird people obsessed with being diagnosed with disorders but I also don’t want to be passive about this, so I’d like to at least get tested by a professional when it comes to this kind of thing.

How were you tested for these kinds of things, especially people who were only diagnosed as an adult? Is it something you bring up to your primary physician?

    1 year ago

    I spoke to my marriage counselor about symptoms similar to ADHD which had been affecting the marriage.

    I was diagnosed as a child when things like ADHD and personality disorders were being handed out like candy.

    So I bing this up with my PCP and he gave me a referral (I didn’t need a referral but I have other conditions which could appear as ADHD so I want to be careful) for a psychological evaluation to see if I have ADHD.

    At least in America, healthcare professionals are suspicious when an adult wants to get ADHD testing, it’s nearly impossible to diagnose an adult with ADHD unless they received a diagnosis as a child (this is when you’d get the diagnosis in most cases anyway).