If you would like to use a TUI this you can check out ncurses. Should be a lot simpler than an GUI.
If you would like to use a TUI this you can check out ncurses. Should be a lot simpler than an GUI.
ONCE is a comprimize but it is not an ideal. I would rather have true freedom to use software as I wish.
Why not just use vim? It’s preinstalled.
I like 0 index because it is 2hat is used under the hood. The index is not really an index but rather an offset from the array pointer.
Dynamic Memory Management exists.
Although I do believe Javascript is a mess, I’d have to disagree with that. The problem with Javascript and to an extent all client side code is that people uses as a everything tool not neccesarily the language being at fault. People should start to realize handling logic on the backend is perfectly fine and is often better as you don’t need to send several megabytes just to load a simple web page. If we decided to replace Javascript with Python we just recreate the same problem that plagues the modern web.
Me too. It’s the only language that felt natural. Learning it was a breeze and I haven’t needed anything it dosen’t provide.
But there are languages that require varying degrees of effort to become natural. Something like Malbolge will pretty much never be natural while something like Python can become natural to you in a few days.
With linux you have the option of debloating your system by using a minimalist distro with Windows you have no choice
Shorter is usually faster so your right on that account but not always. There are few things like optimizing for cache hits that can vastly speed up programs but are hard to do. Most slow programs are due to technical debt, high dependencies usage, mixed with laziness and lack of interest in developers with speeding up their program.
I mean they are kind of meant to be triggering. They are “hot takes”.
// Some of my rss feeds
It would be nice if Apple didn’t lock down the phones but that is never going to happen.
Vim and GCC.
If you want to use extensions try out Iceraven (a firefox clone).
Yeah that was annoying when I first found out about that but I use tabs for indentation anyways so it doesn’t make a difference for me.
Answering my own question here. If you don’t have any interest in how the tools you use work, programming isn’t “for you” (take that with a grain of salt). If you are writing code and have never looked into how compilers/interpreters work or are using a library and haven’t even taken a peak at the library’s source code you should because it will make you a better programmer in the long run. And I’m not saying you can’t get anything done without that curiosity but curiosity is a major part of being a programmer. Also you don’t need to have a deep understanding of the tool just a overview of what it’s doing. Like for a compiler understanding what lexers, parsers, ASTs, code generators are will allow you to write code with that in mind.
As a person uses neovim, make and exclusively programs in C I am indeed triggered. Maybe you could argue Make and C are hard but Vi definitely is not (atleast the basics aren’t).
All the others have great suggestions but I’d just like to add there many open source projects out there and given example code of how something is done and letting him play with it can be tremendously helpful. For example finding some simple 3d programs and lettting him change the source code to do whatever he wants or just giving him a template like https://editor.p5js.org/1alimaze/sketches/IJpxIEME8 which I made when I was first learning and letting him play with the values and add more objects.