• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • I mean… Isnt this pointless and entirely defeats the purpose of the pre-High Def consoles?

    SNES (and other consoles, like genesis and NES and what have you), Were not made to have radically sharp pixel perfect graphics. They were made to be used on CRTs. The games were designed to take advantage of the natural antialiasing/blurring and shading that was inherent in how a CRT works to create the end product graphic on the screen.

    These consoles were never meant to have extra sharp super stand out pixels. They look worse the sharper you make them. Just a comparison of CRT shots vs Emulation shows how much better and detailed they look due to the blurring and depth provided by the way CRTs work.

    If someone wants to be revolutionary, they’d create a graphic mod that 1:1 recreates how the graphics looked on the CRT, with the depths, shading, blurring, etc.

  • Cause companies like twitter, facebook, and reddit love right wing extremists.

    They post a lot, click lots of ads, and are heavily engaged. Far more than any left winger.

    They are the honey pot from which the money flows. So they get the special treatment and protection.

    Which is why its so funny when they cry about persecution and victimhood. Cause anyone else doing what they do online would have not only been banned years ago, they’d probably get regular visits from police and possibly even arrested for things like “Terroristic threats”

    The only time they face any punishment whatsoever is when they go ridiculously overboard, like actively planning an attack on the fucking capitol building and the attempted assassination of political leaders they disagree with… and even then, its a slap on the wrist compared to what any other group of people who tried to do the same would face