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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • He gave them $1,600 in stimulus checks. Some of the poorer people think he’ll make things more affordable for people, lower costs, make crypto better, and essentially just rain down money. They have to think of their families future, and apparently they think Trump will do that. They don’t care what he’s done, he’s a means to an end, and if they can wrap an American flag around him, profess him the new Messiah, and ban abortions to do it, they will.

    Republicans are either extremely ignorant or they just lack any and all empathy. They get their news from Fox that shields them from the truth, and they live in constant fear of blood-drinking evil liberals, illegal racist/murderer aliens, and that their money is being stolen from them by undesirables that feed off the system.

    Their entire world view is a facade to make rich people richer and their ignorance of that makes them expendable pawns. It’d be comical if it wasn’t so tragic…

  • It’s also fucked. Like, what are we supposed to do? This is the only form of protest that some of us have. I don’t have the ability to get out and protest. I don’t have the ability to be an activist, I have a family that I need to take care of.

    I know that change comes from political discourse, and we’ve VERY CLEARLY seen that has worked towards the Republicans benefit (reg. redpilling, QAnon, etc.). It’s the only way I know that I can fight back against that insanity.

    Cultural change is slow, but it ultimately wins the war, and the best thing that I can do is be on the right slide of it. I understand that you win over more people by being nice, but my comments arent to “win” over the person I’m talking to…they are the “example”, and my argument is primarily for the hundreds of people that will ultimately read the post.