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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • I expect that as a random US person, coming onto a native, you have at least spent some university time on European political systems to have some arguments?

    1. the constitution doesn’t allow for another election
    2. there’s actually never been such a situation in this constitution (yes, our constitutions are just laws, not gods given sacred scrolls, so we change them whenever they’re no longer adequate), and the current politicians cannot fathom working without a majority (although that was typical in the third and fourth republic, and in a lot of the other euro countries)
    3. the president wants a so called “technical” government that will just do as it’s told while the chambers fight among themselves

    And yes, it’s a shitshow. Shall we go back to how you’re about to elect an insane game show host along with a guy that’s had half his brain eaten by a worm?

  • Macron holds the presidency and appoints the PM.

    The big debate is on whether he “appoints” the PM or “picks” the PM.

    The constitution doesn’t exactly specify which, and usage was that he would appoint the one issued from the majority vote (but there’s no majority, there’s just one group that’s a wee bit larger). So he’s having his fun, pretending to have a chat with everybody, while knowing all the time that they can really all fuck off and the he’ll do as he pleases.

    In the end he’ll most likely have what they call a “technical” government made of non political ministers that will just do as they’re told, because the chambers will be too busy infighting to do anything about it.