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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 15th, 2022


  • ITT people claim that a Google VPN is a bad product for all use cases because Google is not a privacy-respecting company. This ignores all non-privacy use cases for using a VPN.

    And even for privacy, this would’ve been a product where the vendors interest in protecting your privacy and your interest in protecting your privacy aligned in the case where you were not hiding from Google. For example if you used a Chromebook laptop, used the Google Chrome browser, or used Google services like Google Search and Google YouTube, then Google would already know everything about you. You can’t hide your activity from them, but they can help you hide it from others.

    Similar situations exist for other privacy disrespecting companies like Microsoft and Apple, where a user might reasonably want to hide from everyone other than their vendor of choice, whose product they consider good enough to allow them to see their computer activity as part of their payment. If you already subscribe to one privacy disrespecting vendor, it makes the most sense to go all-in.

  • If a device makes an encrypted connection to a server the device makers own, there’s nothing further you can gleam from studying the DNS lookups. They can route traffic through the first server, and they can resolve any IPs through the first server. And since you insist the person you’re replying to doesn’t know what DNS is because they said it’s encrypted, I feel you might also not know that DNS can be encrypted. In that case, the network owner can see that a device makes a connection to the nameserver, but they can’t see which addresses the nameserver was asked to resolve. And similarly, the device can refuse a connection to the wrong nameserver.

  • So exactly the same then. Sep 11 conspiracy theorists also believe the attack happened. They just don’t attribute it to terrorists but the local government. Which is exactly what June 4th conspiracy theorists believe. And from experience, obnoxious foreigners are usually June 4th conspiracy theorists, because those conspiracy theories are pushed by western propaganda outlets like Radio Free Asia and BBC. They sometimes also believe they drove over people with tanks and shot people in the square. Same with Uighurs. Maybe you just wanted to talk about Uighurs or Xinjiang, but the conspiracy theorists believe Uighurs are being oppressed, and obnoxious foreigners are more likely to be conspiracy theorists. Even if you aren’t a conspiracy theorists, obnoxious foreigners usually are so at a certain point people just stop engaging.

  • If you’re an obnoxious foreigner who only wants to talk about Hitler in Germany, you’ll get similar responses. Or I know you said stop using USA a comparison, but in this case it’s a very easy and apt one. If you only want to talk about how the WTC attack was an inside job in the USA as a foreigner, you’ll get similar responses. It doesn’t mean they accept your version of events, just that it’s awkward to talk to you about it. Or I guess a similar one but back to Germany. If you’re a yank who wants to commiserate about how fucked the GDR was with someone who lived in the GDR, they’ll give you one half-arsed rebuttal then ask to change topic.