Nowadays everybody wants to talk like they got something to say but nothing comes out when they move their lips just a bunch of gibberish.

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • I believe that his own words and actions are what is tying him to trump. He supports all the same causes and spouts all the same rhetoric, shakes all the same hands… He has created a “base” comprised of racists, white supremacists, fascists, misogynists and assholes. He is supported by rebel media an alt-right organization…

    You can keep calling names and trying to draw parallels, but the fact of the matter is Trump is not special. Trump is not doing anything different than Conservatives have been doing for years, and if anything, Trump is stealing from a play book that has been around for longer than either him or Poilievre has been alive.

    Poilievre also didn’t “create a base” of racists, fascists, misogynists, and assholes. He merely tapped the base, which wasn’t hard considering that is what the Conservative party is comprised of, and ran simple platitudes that they would understand as a “platform”.

    I mean you could search for all of this…

    You can as well.

    If you stop being so pretentious, and “search” for a real point to make, that would be great too.

  • What happened to her was wrong.

    That doesn’t change the fact that she, and her friends, are murderers and deserve to spend a long time in a real correctional facility. They literally swarmed and murdered a man over a bottle of liquor at the ages of 13-16. They aren’t children, they are teenagers, and absolutely knew what they were doing and thought they could get away with it.

    Low and behold, a light sentence for a violent criminal. With likely more light sentences to come for the rest of them.

    ADHD isn’t an excuse for murder. Her age doesn’t change the crime. Peer pressure is a bullshit excuse.

    Every person involved with strip searching a minor seven times, and not getting her to her court dates, should also face the full extent of the law. Which as you were already told is a separate issue from the murder that took place, and shouldn’t impact the sentencing of a murderer.

  • Not one of your links is about all six deaths. In fact every one of them is about one death alone, without mentionaing any others.

    Do I need to source every single Indigenous death reported by every other outlet for you to get the point?

    This is a well known issue, and is going to be debated today in the House.

    15:44 if you want to watch for yourself.

    As per the rest of your lying.

    Dedam is the third Indigenous person shot and killed by a police officer in New Brunswick in four years.

    The deaths of Chantel Moore and Rodney Levi, in June 2020, during wellness checks led to protests and calls for an inquiry into systemic racism in the justice system. The provincial government did not call that inquiry. The call for an inquiry arose again this week after Dedam’s death.

    The death of Steve “Iggy” Dedam is the result of systemic racism, Chief Ross Perley of the Tobique First Nation, which is part of the Wolastoqey Nation, said in an interview Wednesday. Perley noted that two Indigenous people were killed by New Brunswick police in 2020 — 48-year-old Rodney Levi and 26-year-old Chantel Moore.

    You should read the links before you make statements about the content of them, and you should stop letting perfect be the enemy of good.

  • This is fucking stupid. I have lived around this area for my entire life and literally everyone who doesn’t live on a reserve (and isn’t part of an actual town) have wells or cisterns that were paid with privately.

    The only thing stopping someone from getting their own well would be if the ground water isn’t available (very low probability that everyone around the reserve has ground water but the reserve doesn’t) or that the ground water is contaiminted (also very low probability for the same reason as before, and especially because contamination that bad would have a huge affect downstream in the Grand River).

    If someone could explain why wells and cisterns don’t work on this particular reserve I’d really appreciate it.

    I would assume it is because the Federal Government is responsible for water on the reserve, which is pretty standard information in Canada, and those living on the reserve don’t have the authority to privately install anything.

    I am happy to hear that you and your neighbors have the means to privately install personal well’s and cisterns on your property, but this is clearly a different situation.

  • If any candidate in any Canadian election is condemned by any organization for a pamphlete they put out, I’d be going after the offending party with the same rigor.

    This was not my question.

    Why is it okay for one side to be represented in, and influence, Canadian politics and not the other?

    I don’t gaf if they’re race-based or faith-based, they can keep their fat noses out of our politics.

    Why are you okay with the use of a Palestinian flag on the pamphlet in the first place if, as an ethnic group, this means they are putting “their fat noses” into our politics?

    Would you defend the use of a Russian flag? Israeli flag? Chinese flag? Indian flag? North Korean Flag?