• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • Unfortunately it could be so many things. First off is to consider overthinking a little bit, if you feel your memory performance otherwise is acceptable most of the time. As the reason for why this happens it could be a great many things. Clean up your sleep schedule and quality first. Then maybe check and work on the diet. Vitamin deficiencies can cause all kinds of subtle trouble. Next the obligatory exercise disclaimer as it will improve functioning. It can be frustrating to deal with the human body as many things aren’t as clear cut.

  • Multivitamins may actually be harmful. Fat soluble Vitamins may have weird properties which could be bad even with correct dosage. Vitamin B6 can be easily overdosed as even the recommended values are questionable.

    However, I strongly advise against going to just by “terrible diet” and do only until something shows on regular check-ups. There can be subacute deficiencies, they won’t show up on routine checks or not at all anywhere as we can’t “Star Trek Health Scan” the human body and especially the brain. Also your diet is terrible by default. Why? Because depending on the geographic region and especially with modern agriculture which killed off all kinds of biodiversity and trace elements is more than likely to be worse than a century ago with the same ingredients. It is not easy to recommend a Vitamin stack as there are so many things we don’t quite know and regulation is practically absent.

  • It is. So where is the police report? She said she was groped on several occasions (which is sexual assault) and quit the job by her own decision, so why not throw the men who groped her under the bus?

    I am tired of reading these things. I am absolutely aware these are done in good faith to have some neutral instance to deal with this, but it not the reality. If you are low on money, you are right out or a bit later, if you are an “undesirable” person, you will lose, and if you lack time, energy and mental health going through the paperwork will break the last bit you had and money too.