• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • The Eastern Bloc suffered an enormous drop in living quality following the dissolution of the USSR. Far from reaping a bounty via free market liberty, the people in these countries found themselves the subject of a historic privatization and looting of national treasuries and resources.

    This is a black and white perspective. You have to keep in mind that citizens of these countries were significantly worse off as (involuntarily) being part of the USSR than the countries that were not in the Eastern Bloc, and most of them are now significantly better off as part of the EU. Most citizens remember the repression, shortages, and russification all too well.

  • You are the one who did the whataboutism

    Fair point.

    not me.

    Not a fair point.

    You replied to my comment that highlighted American bully language by saying that Russia acts like a bully.

    Correct, I did, and russia does act like a bully.

    If you go back one leval on the thread, the commenter was making the point that “Russia only understands one language: violence.” This statement is correct. Don’t interpret this as me agreeing with everything that followed, but the reality is that Russia is more than happy to impose its will on it’s neighbors (and its citizens for that matter) using violent means, including invasion. This is not OK.

    You can’t blame modern russia for things done by the Tsars for example.

    I don’t agree. It is evidence that Russia has been invading other countries for a very long time. Cultural norms persist across leadership changes. Russian culture has been one of domination, control and exploitation for centuries, and remains so. Until russia does some cultural introspection it will remain a bully.

    being a soviet state doesn’t count as occupation

    Wrong! It absolutely was occupation. So-called soviet states (occupied countries) were not given a choice and did not want to be part of the glorious union. They were invaded and forced to join at gunpoint. Civilians were shot, Russian language was imposed against the wishes of the population, culture was banned, environments were destroyed and resources were extracted. It’s no surprise that all of those countries that managed to escape the russian ‘sphere of influence’ (read sphere of domination) are now more prosperous, free, happy and keen to join NATO to ensure that they never have to be part of the russian ‘sphere of influence’ again. Again, the solution for russia is to start being a good neighbor. If you aren’t a threat, then you won’t find your neighbors joining mutual defense organizations to protect themselves from you.

    It’s pretty telling how dishonest you are.

    It’s pretty telling how quickly you are switching to playing the player rather than the ball. I wonder if you are FSB, GRU, or something else, not that you will ever admit it.

    you don’t come out looking good

    Who’s this “you” you speak of?

    I don’t even support modern Russia

    Lol. That’s why you are defending their behavior so vigorously. Sure. Whatever you say.

    except critically on the specific grounds of protecting Donetsk/Luhensk/Crimea from Ukrainian fascists,

    The idea that the current russian illegal invasion of Ukraine has anything to do with protecting Donetsk/Luhensk/Crimea and nothing to do with preventing yet another previously invaded country from joining NATO to protect itself from russian aggression is laughable.

    and killing nazis is always great of course.

    Is that why russia shot down the plane with Utkin in it? Why’d it take so long to kill that particular Nazi? You know, the one with litteral Nazi tattoos who fought on the side of russia for years. The one who who established a russian backed mercenary company named after Hitler’s favorite composer.

    Can you not see the parallels between the behavior of the actual nazis and russia? Lie, invade, suppress, murder, control, extinguish. I’ve got some news for you. The ww2 Nazis were bad, but the russian invaders were much worse. Ask anyone who experienced it. And yes, I have asked. The answer I got included a lot of swearing about the russians.

    Shut the fuck up about Ukraine Yankee.

    Is this “America invaded Iraq, so that makes it OK for russia to invade Ukraine” or, “stop bringing attention to our attempt to illegally invade a neighboring country”. I can’t tell.