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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • There is currently a tiny bit of uproar over at r/irelandshittydrivers. A user took a photo of a work van that blocked two disabled spots. He sent the photo via Whatsapp to the company, which responded in a batshit crazy manner (for some reason, escalated it to praising Osama for 9/11). Naturally, the user posted the photo and the conversation to Reddit. Within a few hours, the company contacted Reddit and had the post removed. If a company with perhaps three customers per week can do it, what do you think large companies can do? Censoring user posts would be only the tip of the iceberg.

  • Posted on r/KotakuInAction by any chance? I usually run into this kind of complaints because of that sub.

    My personal take is that subs that ban people just for posting on other subs are actively perpetuating their little opinion bubbles. They are essentially creating little virtual prisons for their members, and most of them are actually happy about that, which in turn tells all I need to know about those members’ intellectual laziness. To twist around Groucho Marx’ quote, I would refuse to join a sub that rejected me for posting elsewhere.

  • I’m close to 50, been running for decades, and still pull over 2k miles annually. Almost all that on asphalt. Haven’t experienced any joint problems yet. I credit three things for that. First, modern running shoes are designed to soften the impact, and recently they have gotten ridiculously soft. The extreme cases give you 50mm (about 2 inches) of soft foam under your feet, but even more normal running shoes have advanced foam and bouncy elements in the outsole to soften the impact. Second, proper running form is not rocket science, and most people fall into a decent running form naturally. This form is the most gentle on the joints. And finally, if you are serious enough about running to go the distance where hard surfaces could be a problem, you are already likely to supplement your running with strength training, which further helps to protect your joints.

  • I remember how frustrated I was with that. We got them in the office, and nobody could figure out how to open the CD drive. We were all Windows users previously, and we spent way too much time trying to open the drive, without any success. One of my coworkers knew a guy who was using Macs, so he called him over. The Mac user looked at us as if we just recently fell from the sky, said “but it’s so obvious!” and proceeded to click and drag the CD drive icon into the Recycling Bin, which opened the drive.