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Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • It’s sad but i stopped writing answers or comments on SO years ago. I used to have all these optimistic ideas about people working together to collectively grow our shared knowledge. I guess Wikipedia and the Internet Archive keep barely hanging in there, but if anything those cases prove my point: without one extremely strong personality to hold the corruption in check, all these collaborative “digital commons” projects are a leadership change away from completely selling out all the work put into them. That can be feeding everything into AI but it’s also monetization schemes and EULA changes to claim ownership of user submitted content and locking the public out of your site without accounts and subscriptions.

    And usually the public’s only recourse is to tear it all down and start again, waiting for the next con artist to come along and steal the village’s prosperity.

  • I was curious if (since these are statistical models and not actually counting letters) maybe this or something like it is a common “gotcha” question used as a meme on social media. So I did a search on DDG and it also has an AI now which turned up an interestingly more nuanced answer.

    It’s picked up on discussions specifically about this problem in chats about other AI! The ouroboros is feeding well! I figure this is also why they overcorrect to 4 if you ask them about “strawberries”, trying to anticipate a common gotcha answer to further riddling.

    DDG correctly handled “strawberries” interestingly, with the same linked sources. Perhaps their word-stemmer does a better job?

  • Calling it a mod is a disservice, this is a customized GZDoom with a whole new renderer, plus the voxel sprites, plus lots of texture and map work to add reflections, lights, emissive textures, and more. It’s really impressive work! Sunlight streams in through skylights, looks slightly hazy, colored lights look great, buttons and screen textures glow. They even made the spectre have predator-style cloaking! There’s some cools settings too like being able to 50/50 split the screen with the default renderer so you can make your own “RTX enabled” memes and screenshots.

    But yeah it definitely goes a little overboard. Turning off Bloom helps a lot, but I wish you could just turn it down. Even deactivated objects glow super bright, and things that light up when active all blow-out to pure white in the center. The map are way too dark generally though, to make the new lighting more dramatic but it’s bad. Also the metablob blood effects are funny and cute (woah, liquid blood that splatters and flows!) but it looks kind of terrible and very silly.

    Still there’s some great surprises and gorgeous views! Definitely worth a spin!

  • If you check the folders as well, all the .WADs are there for everything (if you want to use them with a different port/engine). Not sure if it detected which games I already owned, but my version is actually Doom + Doom 2 + Final Doom + Master Levels + Sigil + NRFTL + LOR (new campaign). Plus all the featured mods (from the recent console ports) and a regular user-driven mod browser.

    It’s a pretty overwhelming update to the already decent Kex engine port that’s been on consoles for a while. They added a bunch of dvd-extras too like concept art and such. It’s not my favorite way to play but it’s still a pretty great free update!

  • Codex@lemmy.worldtoProgramming@programming.devReal examples here?
    1 month ago

    I think this probably applies…

    So Thief: The Dark Project (1999) and Thief 2: The Metal Age (2000), are a couple of classic stealth FPS games, proto-immersive-sims, and still some of my all time favorite games. They both use the Dark Engine, an in-house engine from the now defunt Looking Glass Studios, which also powered System Shock 2.

    In 2010, the source code to a System Shock 2 port (for the dreamcast or ps2 iirc…) leaked online, and on 2012 someone used that code to create NewDark and TFix, patches to make these old games work on modern computers (and some bugfixes, support for HD, etc).

    There are still updates regularly released for it too!

    I must emphasize that these games are still sold on Steam, GOG, etc and this patch is essentially required for them to work. And these are hardly the only games like this, just the ones most personal to me. Retrogaming is built on the backs of unsung individual heroes who backwards-engineer, hack, patch, and mod their favorite games to keep them running for everyone long after the publishers have died or abandoned their work.

  • This is still a business problem. The truth is, we solved basically all the technical problems that could be practically solved by the 2010s. We have all the technology, we know what people want and need. We could, and should, build a lifetime personal computer (phone form factor) for every person on Earth that provides for their communication needs, acts as a personal assistant and organizer, and more. And we’ve had those, dozens if times.

    But how do you keep selling people stuff once you’ve met all their needs? You tear it all down and keep rebuilding and reselling it. You enshittify to squeeze money out, customers flee, so you encircle them with another capitalist enclosure and rebuild the same shit again. Repeat.

    Software devs should basically all be making games and trying to teach AI to be smarter but instead we’re replacing internet search (a problem we solved in the 90s!) with LLM enabled advertising engines that literally can’t find info for you so they make it up. And we’re iterating on the 10 thousandth version of an e-commerce site because all internet shopping is part of a giant global MLM now. Seriously, “drop shipping” is the latest iteration of the same old scam they used to run on diet pills and knives and magazine subscriptions.

    But every college student with a fresh business degree can set up a Wix site to resell sunset lamps. It’s uber for scams. The reseller takes on all the risk, sets up the e-commerce site with a builder, firehoses ads all over their social media, and does all the work. There are multiple industries now entirely supported on conning desperate people into being your salesforce, workforce, advertisers, and customers all at the same time.

  • I’m just poking fun that the fundamental type in JS (Object) is an associative-array/hashmap. Technically it has some fancy under-the-hood handling for pure arrays and primitive types. This is also exactly true of Lua, and a little true of Ruby and Python.

    Really, most programmers would do great to start with a hash map or array list and only specialize out further when the problem calls for it.

  • Being from Louisiana, it was interesting to spend some time in Berlin. Germans treat Turkish people a lot like we treat Black people: love their food and culture, but keep them in ghettos and don’t let them have any real power!

    I feel like this would be similar to America protecting the word “Cajun” in food, which shitty fastfood places love to slap on any food they’ve added a half-gram of cayenne powder to. Honestly, all in favor of restricting “cajun” or “döner” or any other food designation for which being regulated would enforce a higher quality standard and greater authenticity.