Enthusiastic sh.it.head

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • As folks here have said, the Fediverse at this time goes a long way by not carrying over dark pattern nonsense and other deliberate psychological tricks to keep you engaged. But that’s only one half of the equation - why do those tricks work?

    Honestly, something I found useful for me (whose main consumption medium is my smartphone) is dedicating specific timeframes for recreational web activity/email checks, and turning off wifi and mobile outside of those times. It can be hard to maintain (particularly when family members suddenly move to web-based messaging platforms rather than SMS), but when I was keeping it up I felt a lot calmer/engaged with IRL stuff.

    Worth an experiment - turn off social media notifications, download anything you think you really need for offline use, develop the habit of switching connectivity on and off only as absolutely needed outside of internet rec time (maps, etc.), and keep it up for a few months. See what kind of changes come of it re: your headspace.

  • My main counterpoint is for those of us who’ve acquired the taste, the rituals around beer (out at a nice place, away from your home/office, listening to decent tunes and drinking something cold, foamy, and a little bitter) are such that you can get that loose and relaxed feeling without the alcohol.

    I’m not the biggest fan of getting drunk anymore, so I find myself grabbing a non-alc beer pretty frequently these days. Sometimes just that, other times once I’ve already had two normal beers but want another drink.

    I could grab a soda, but I don’t like how sweet it is most of the time.

  • It really depends where you are - some places have a lively late night culture, others not so much.

    All night diners, 24 hour fast food places are really the only alternatives here (though you could count movie theatres with late showings, I guess).

    But (unless you have personal reasons for not being around alcohol and drinkers), you can totally go to a bar with a vibe you like and just hang out drinking soda. Bonus points if that bar has something cool available aside from just booze (barcades, live music venues, etc.).

    If you’re not looking to specifically be around people, you could also just check out some green space outdoors, but keep your wits about you and use your judgement - some places are lovely to chill at 3:00 am, some would be if it wasn’t for the sketchy folks shooting up.

  • One aspect of this, though only one factor, is that a career in the CF is not nearly as attractive as it once was, and they’ve been having a hell of a time getting new recruits. So you don’t have nearly as many bodies to support both international commitments and domestic operations. Even if they did suddenly have an influx of new troops, I’m told there’s limited capacity for training, so it takes longer than it used to to get from the recruiting centre to BMQ to completing your trade-specific courses to do the job you signed on for.

    I think having the military oversee domestic operations related to large scale emergencies is a good idea in theory - but they need the people and resources to do this while still being able to do the primary job, which is combat operations (admittedly, there’s different schools of thoughts on that, but they strike me as silly. Standing armies, while useful for other activities, are primarily there to fight).