• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Just got mine and holy shit - it is an absolute unit. I am not a keyboard builder or whatever, but this thing is seriously reminiscent of a TKL IBM keyboard of yesteryear except without authentic buckling spring keys. That said, the key mechanisms feel great - clicky but a slightly lighter touch than the oldschool buckling springs - I don’t miss the high-frequency “ping” of the buckling spring, though.

    It could almost be used like the keyboard murder weapon in the movie Gattica, except with a plastic frame. The thing is nice and heavy and brings back good memories.

  • “Many of the characters and enemies are derived from that famous shooter series [Gradius], while other elements are extracted from other Konami titles, such as Antarctic Adventure and TwinBee. This game is of particular note in the series as being heavily infused with Japanese culture and folklore.”

    Thanks. Until now I thought Parodius was just trying to be a funny take on shmups. I understood the Gradius/parody portmanteau, but I didn’t realize it was a true parody (e.g., clearly borrowing characters/enemies in a humorous way).