Same. And I don’t like to admit it, but I was a “power user”. When Bacon Reader went dark, I never went back. Like others have pointed out, Reddit was always going to “win” the protest, even with over 1800 subs still out. But the platform’s frontpage quality is in the tank. Google doesn’t want to list Reddit at the top of search results anymore. The corporate failure to retain money making accounts made national news. Huffman completely missed the investment boat, and although the site itself is still generating traffic, the raised interest rates and lack of ROI for the unpopular changes spells out nothing but a slow death rattle.
And, lmao, anyone that publicly announces they’re following the “Musk Model” for social media platform leadership is clearly a fucking dipshit doomed to drive their site into the ground.
I don’t think this article is really “pro reddit” tbh. The headline says Reddit won, but the copy adds context to that. Reddit was always going to outlast the protests. I can’t imagine anyone was delusional enough to think otherwise. But like the article says, Huffman lost most of the other gambles in terms of post quality, public opinion, and there’s still 1800+ subs of varying sizes dark.
Short term ad traffic is the win he needs on paper, but the press hasn’t been favorable overall and user engagement is high if you consider edgy teenagers making the front page with nonsense because all the decent mods have quit as consistent engagement.