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Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • There is a procedure for this. To simplify the answer, Kamala Harris will become President on inauguration day in any of your listed scenarios, since she’s the current VP/VP-elect.

    It’s theoretically possible that if Biden drops dead today, that the DNC could manage to pivot to a new contender, but there are two significant problems with that:

    1. It’s suuuper late in the process. They already called the primaries for Biden, so he has the delegates. If he dies, they go to his VP, so it would be up to Harris to give them to someone else at that point if anybody else were to be selected (essentially dropping out of the race herself). This is a bad move because giving delegates to someone who didn’t even primary will seem undemocratic, coronating somebody that the people did not even endorse for the ticket.

    2. Replacing Biden with someone else doesn’t give them much time to campaign. A big part of the election cycle is traveling to swing states to convince those people to vote for you. It’s not that those people are suddenly going to go vote for the other guy (Trump, in this case), but they’re far more likely to stay home because they won’t be energized for this newcomer who didn’t have enough time to court their votes, or to convince them to turn out for their policies/platform rather than be apathetic about the outcome of the election.

  • There’s definitely some variance out there. Some managers care about their employees and have a conscience, which would make them more likely to sympathize with a hungry dude who can’t pay. Others are the typical Scrooge McDuck caricature and go out of their way to be cruel to others.

    I think generally in my experience chain restaurant managers tend to get promoted from within the company and start at the lowest position, so they have more perspective on what it’s like to be at the bottom rung of society and have a bit more empathy for those who have unfortunately sunk even lower than that. Private business managers on the other hand, it depends. Some are guided by their own morality, while others have a chip on their shoulder about how they made it without help and so can everyone else (which is total nonsense, in order for there to be winners in capitalism, there must also necessarily be losers, so not everybody is going to make a success of themselves in that way no matter how much effort they expend).

  • As much as people hate to hear the “it’s complicated” answer in regards to anything regarding Israeli affairs, well, it’s pretty complicated… But to name a few reasons:

    Religious fundamentalism/Zionism in the United States has been forcing politicians to take sides or else alienate their constituents - Christian fundamentalism is bizarrely in favor of a Jewish state because it fulfills their own doomsday prophecy, not for any logical reasons or out of a genuine desire to help the Jewish people.

    Weapons manufacturers and arms dealers are lobbying to keep Israel as a partner considering they are almost always mired in some kind of conflict. It’s a multi billion dollar industry and the people who make guns, bombs, artillery shells and ammunition are not keen of giving up their cash cow.

    Consider of course the historical ties and diplomatic agreements, which if flippantly broken send a message of unreliability to other allied nations (I’m not sure I totally agree with this one, as the USA is basically a schizo nation flipping back and forth once every 4-8 years between isolationism and globalism depending on which party holds office).

    Lastly, since the Cold War, the USA has kept Israel close to project their own influence in the middle east. Countries like Egypt or Saudi Arabia would have to think twice about provoking the United States considering who their neighbor is. Great strategic location bordering the Mediterranean Sea that makes it easy for USA to get soldiers on the continent if it ever comes to that.

  • A lot of restaurants end up throwing out food that would otherwise be perfectly edible.

    If you’re a polite and patient individual, you might be able to build up some rapport with the owner or the workers. When my friend was in college, he could barely afford to feed himself most of the time. He was friendly with the cashier at a local fast food place and asked if they could set aside any orders that get sent back (due to being wrong) and give them to him instead of tossing them in the garbage. Not everybody will do this for you, but it’s worth asking. I think generally store employees and managers are sympathetic enough to not care about what happens to product that was destined for the garbage anyway so they typically agree.

  • r/place has had the soul sucked out of it past the first iteration. I’m not even going to bother checking it this year because I can see the future and I know what the canvas will end up being - bots maintaining flags. I’d be nice if they restricted it to accounts that are at least a year old, but at this point all the accounts people were botting with the last two years are qualified under that definition.

    Cool idea, consistently horrible implementation.

  • I just happen to be a part of a particular discord server that is essentially a fan development group for a long-closed MMORPG. There’s been a fan project to revive it ongoing for many years now (original source code is lost at this point) and there is a playable version of the client, but it’s little more than a glorified chat room with some clothing/animations for your avatar.

    Someone just happened to ask about game/chat encryption in the discord server and the response was that there was a form of encryption for chat messages, but more importantly, it was an obscure game that nobody would think to monitor for traffic in the first place.

    That got me thinking… there have already been things like the Minecraft Uncensored Library where you can download a map that has banned literature stored on it that would normally be flagged by surveillance states, but since it’s all contained within a file that runs on a game program, it’s impossible to track. The game itself is a form of obfuscation.

    Theoretically, one could log on to a game service that has one foot in the grave (or set up a private server, if the service is no longer running) and you would have plausible cover from anyone who would be spying on your traffic (they’d just see you as logged into a game, sending packets back and forth) with the added benefit of encrypted private messages that you find in just about every modern multiplayer game.

    I think your idea is good too, but I don’t know enough about linguistics to be able to say how difficult this would be, but I imagine anyone determined enough could figure it out. The last time I remember hearing about a “language” being built from scratch was the Phyrexian language from Magic: The Gathering, which is getting more fleshed out over time as hints and clues about the syntax and phonics are revealed via known/confirmed English translations.

  • Eggs are indeed tricky on the stainless. I have found that ceramic or a well-seasoned cast iron pan is a lot better for eggs if you aren’t good at hitting that exact temperature that they need to be at to cook and release on their own with just a minimal amount of oil/butter. My parents have a single teflon pan that is just for eggs, but they cook eggs so frequently that they need to replace it all the time because it starts to peel and flake in no time flat.

  • I think this is it too. A lot of big business is just a game of follow-the-leader. My small company recently instituted a return-to-office program when before they were encouraging employees to work remotely if they wanted since our jobs can be done from anywhere. When I asked about why they were doing this move now during my performance review, the answer I got was “A lot of other companies are making the same request of their employees.”. When I asked why those companies were doing it, they couldn’t give me a good answer.

    It’s pretty infuriating that it took a global pandemic to finally prove to these corporate whip-crackers that you can indeed work from home and still be productive, and now they are trying to claw that back away from us a day or two at a time until we’re right back where we were.

  • Let’s be frank, traditional locks exist to keep honest people honest. It’s trivial to learn how to pick locks, there are YouTube channels dedicated to exactly that, and the tools can be purchased for very little upfront cash.

    There is no such thing as a foolproof unpickable locks. Any lock that is designed to be opened will have vulnerabilities associated with it that can be exploited by somebody who knows how.

    That said, smart locks are probably not much worse off in that regard. I think you can still use a manual key with some models, so that’s not really adding security, but rather convenience. For the ones that are 100% digital, the issue is just shifted to technical knowledge of the lock software and not the mechanical workings.

    I’d say they aren’t any more or less secure, just another option that a determined thief can get past, either through skill or brute force if necessary.

  • Nothing is ever so black-and-white when it comes to talking about the state of the USA right now. Yes, we are still comparitavely well-off when stacked against developing nations, but we have unique problems that are a real sore spot for many that aren’t getting any better and nobody is addressing them, letting the wounds fester.

    For example, we have a lot of poverty. Sure, our lowest of the low class probably still enjoy a lifestyle better than that of someone from a remote village in some far away corner of the world, but the promise of prosperity is not equally accessible and the idealized “middle class” is vanishing rapidly. Homelessness is a crisis in basically every large city, especially in the warmer parts of the country, and inflation is still not under control which means the cost of living is going to be unsustainable for a lot of people very soon.

    If you put politics aside, things really aren’t as bad as they could be, but that doesn’t stop people from voicing their concerns that things aren’t as good as they could be either.