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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • At no point did I say Ukraine shouldn’t get what it needs to end the war. What I said is that we shouldn’t let Ukraine get away with the same things Russia is doing. If for example Ukraine would gas the Russian front line we shouldn’t be “well Russia did it first”. Chemical warfare is not acceptable. Turning a blind eye towards atrocities is how we got Isreal.

    The other guy is pretty much saying it would be okay if Ukraine dirty bombed Moscow because he is literally implying we should kill all Russians.

  • Go learn history. This “we must show them” mentality is how after WW1 Nazis got into a position of power. And no, we didn’t kill all of them. Some were sent to the Hague, most were picked up by the US (unsurprisingly US now has a fascism problem) and the rest (the wider population) got collectively guilted out of nazism. Oh and we made sure Nazi and Fascist are so bad words that actual Nazis and Fascists use them in a derogatory way to not associate themselves with that word.

    The idea that we should ruthlessly kill Russians because Putin is a horrible person is Lemmygrad level of idiotic.

  • You missed the point. The point the other guy made is that for the past 50+ countries have turned a blind eye to Isreal not playing by the rules and that has let Israel become more and more ruthless to a point where they’re the ones effectively committing genocide. Maybe Ukraine won’t turn out like Israel but is it really the door we want to open?

    Just because Russia is getting increasing more violent and inhumane doesn’t mean Ukraine should follow the same path. Nobody is saying Ukraine shouldn’t defend itself (or fight on Russian soil), we’re just saying we shouldn’t turn a blind eye if Ukraine starts shelling humanitarian corridors, chopping off legs of prisoners, gas striking the front etc.

  • If by “well maintained” you mean keeping a whitelist of instances, then yeah. But I doubt anyone is doing that because it’s actually counterproductive to the concept of fediverse. By keeping a whitelist you are creating an in group and an out group and instances can live or die based on that grouping.

    As for why you’d need a whitelist, you can’t defend against a malicious attack if they keep spinning up new instances with bots designed to spread misinformation. The moment you ban once instance another one gets spun up. The only solution is a whitelist so all new instances are automatically blocked. Of course that works if all “normal” instances also have proper registration policies and can’t become attack vectors.

    If the fediverse becomes wildly popular defending the instance can become a full-time job as the open nature gives more attack vectors. Also most instances are ran by volunteers so it’s probably not going to be a good time for anyone.

  • Because in many countries 0.5 is considered non-alcoholic and most countries don’t differentiate between non-alcoholic and alcohol-free, so it’s legally not false advertising.

    Also you physically cannot get drunk when drinking 0.5 abv beer which means in terms of drunkeness there’s functionally no difference if people drink 0 abv beer or 0.5 abv beer. Recovering alcoholics can have a response to but that can be due to sensory cues making the alcoholic believe they’re getting drunk and not the actual ethanol in the drink. Recovering alcoholics (at least to my knowledge) are also recommended to steer clear of alcohol free beer due to the same sensory cues. So who really needs the distinction between non-alcoholic and alcohol-free?

    And as a follow-up. If there really is the need for distinction should that distinction exist for food as well? Do we need a disclaimer that ripe bananas can contain 0.2 to 0.4 ABV of alcohol?

  • And if everyone had common sense an anarchist society would be possible. We have laws, that are inherently authoritarian, to make society work because society is too stupid to function without. To quote men in black “A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it”.

    In that sense I don’t see an issue with protecting your impressionable morons from deliberate foreign state propaganda.

  • I think it depends. I’ve had a non-technical PM and he was great. He knew he knew nothing about development and as such did what great managers do, create an environment where we could work as efficiently as we could. If we said it takes X amount of time he wouldn’t try to squeeze out a faster deadline, he’d report “it will take X amount of time”. If we said it’s unreasonably to take feature Y in he’d say we’re not going to take feature Y in.

    IMO it’s much harder with PMs who did some development 20 years ago and “know how things are done”. The ones with some technical knowledge almost always butt in.

  • I don’t think shithead communities are an indication of quality. Lemmy has quite a few despite otherwise having early reddit feelings.

    I think the quality of comments is a bigger indicator. Reddit started to feel shit when thought out comments got drowned out by the sea of low effort memes, one liners and other overused references. Lemmy also has those comments but the ratio of quality to shit is much higher.

  • My experience has been that it’s often not the team that’s the problem, it’s the management. I’ve seen a team full of talented developers who know how to successfully launch, only to barely get anything done because management keeps reprioritizing everything. It seems in OPs case the org itself might be the issue. Even if they move to a team where the PO actually does their job instead of letting the MVP balloon the team keeps fighting business just to deliver something.

    If I was OP I’d probably look for a job in a different company.