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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Reddit is a dogshow but Lenny has issues too.

    Maybe it’s my instance or some other config but when I open lennmy it’s just wall to wall communist/anti capitalist, open source wanking and musk hate.

    Look, people, musk is a cunt, capitalism is ruining not only the planet but yes also the hearts and minds of people and proprietary software probably should be a little less pervasive than what it is but can we, just for one fucking nano second discuss literally anythingbg else?

    In my experience (and again perhaps just with whatever I’ve been able to set up) lemmy is tiresome, parochial and very much a one-dimensional experience.

    Can any of us remember when Reddit was actually fun? A little of the silliness that made it endearing? Dumb stories about Kevin, incessant nonsense about bacon, when AMA was a fucking legendary little nook of the internet? Surely some of those are the things this community would want to foster, a little light heartedness? Look at the popularity of the Trekkie stuff, nothing to learn there?

    It’s cool though, I don’t have to come here and this has all helped me realise that. I’m literally only on here typing this because I’m taking a dump rn.

  • I’ll chuck in my answer since I’ve been asked this before too.

    I don’t “see” a stapler. I perceive a future state where the pages are stapled. This does appear visually in my mind but not a a a picture of stapled pages rather a set of symbols that incorporate the task “to staple” into the other things that I am concerned with at the point of thinking about that task.

    “Set of symbols?” Is probably your follow up question - yes, geometry or iconography that describe the path from here to that future state where that pages are stapled.

    That’s the best I can do. None of this is literally narrated in my mind, however typing this out to you each sentence is “auditioned” as I imagine I am speaking it to you.

  • Yes!! Hear hear! That’s what I’m trying to say. Inclusivity is inclusive, you share the problems too.

    I love this:

    Men and women need to build a new ideal man.

    Just beautifully put.

    Hey if you have the time to spare, could you perhaps throw up some criticism of my OP? What am I saying wrong that people are misunderstanding me here?

    I’d love to be able to express these ideas in a way that does not make people angry. I think they are important ideas to share.

  • Help me understand it then? I’m not here saying: “nothing will change my opinion” I’m literally asking for help to do that.

    If the film is not about the realisation that Barbieland is a game and that the real world doesn’t need to be ‘Kens vs Barbies’ then what is the massage please?

    “You misunderstand a movie, and everything else.” Are you living up to your responsibilities here or just expecting change without any effort?

  • Oh goody gumdrops I’m about to become very unpopular again. Maybe this time someone will help me change my POV if I am wrong instead of just getting angry and resorting to name calling.

    Here goes: feminism left young men behind and as much as one might want to say “don’t blame women” the feminist movement has given power to women over the years and that power comes with responsibilities. One of those responsibilities is to collaboratively carve out a space for men as we strive for an egalitarian society.

    You know that if you say what what I just said you’re blaming women again, while if you ask how men can take part in feminism you’re making women’s struggles all about men, again.

    Can’t win.

    How can we have an equitable society if one side is never to blame for anything and the other is ‘whining or attention’ when they ask to be included in the changes?

    The simple fact is that feminism has been an incredible source for good but it has focused solely on women. That has been a mistake because as one side changes, the other too just reshape itself.

    I’m middle aged and I know so many men who my age and even some younger who thrash about daily trying to make sense of society with no role models and no standards to aspire to. No wonder some become angry.

    Imagine being the youngest in generations of men who have been raised according to macho ideals. Be the breadwinner, protect women and children. Hunt. Gather. Kill or be killed… and now act with kindness and empathy to a changing world. I’m not defending or apologising for incels but it is time for young boys and young men to be considered and included in feminism. I’m a dad to two girls and a feminist, and I don’t want my daughters partners to be a couple of ornery jackasses.

    There. I said it.

    BTW: this is one of the ideas being addressed on the brilliant Barbie movie. “Maybe every night didn’t have to be a girls night.”