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Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • The Hollywood elite know this strike will end eventually and they know they want to fill movie seats. Endearing her to the masses and making her looking like “one of them” is exactly what people want to see and is just the kind of thing that will fill those movie theater seats when this strike is over. That one photo, assuming it was picked up by all the usual celebrity-worshiping publications and websites, will have upped her desirability by quite a bit. Smart move by her and her people.

    This is how viral campaigns work.

  • Smaller process means less energy. Less energy means less heat. Less heat can mean faster operation. So without changing any of the layout or logic of the chip itself to make it more efficient, just shrinking the process alone will give you a speed boost.

    But it goes further than that. Chips are cut from a wafer. The cost to make that wafer is (for the most part) constant. So if you can only make 20 or if you can make 2000 chips from that one wafer, it ultimately costs the same. But then that means the more CPUs that can be made per wafer, the per-CPU cost drops.

    So you get a more power efficient, cooler, faster and cheaper chip when you shrink the process. The entire semiconductor industry is so dependent on this idea that it invests billions into it every year because it is so vitally important.

  • Tesla stock is down 2% today, and down 12% over the last 12 mo. The funny part is that Musk, unlike Trump, has more money than god and 100% doesn’t need Putin or anyone else for that matter. He’s also not shy about saying anything controversial or anything like that, so it is very, very weird what Putin might possibly have over Musk’s head. Unlike Trump who was rumored to have golden shower videos over his head, I highly doubt sex-stuff would bother Musk one bit. And of course money is immaterial to him at this point - Tesla stock could go to 0 and Musk would still be one of the richest people on the planet. And being as rich as he is, power comes naturally. Such a weird dynamic.