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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • A lot of this is reckless sexual behaviour. It’s incredibly frustrating, because one of the medications used to treat syphilis is now in short demand globally. This medication is also used to treat other (potentially fatal) infections. In other words, through no fault of their own people will (or likely already have) died due to people not practising safe sex.

    It’s easy to blame people on tinder, but sex education and poor healthcare are just as much to blame.

    For example, syphillis is often spread orally. I don’t know many people who would wear a condom to give someone a BJ, even if it’s a random hookup with someone whose sexual history they don’t know.

  • For example, you hear a word that sounds (exactly/a bit) like another word, and can tell it’s not that other word, because the other word has a different gender. Or you only really need to learn one word because both are very similar. Some examples:

    Spanish : La Nina/La Nino. Both basically the same world (female/male child) and sound the same, unlike boy/girl in English.

    Dutch : Het jacht = the boat / yacht, de jacht = the hunt. No need to guess the meaning of the word from the context, you can go by gender.

    Spanish: El Capital = Capital as in money, La Capital = Capital as in Capital City.

    French: Un Livre = a book. La livre = pound sterling.

  • I live in a western European country. A few anecdotes to illustrate what Americans don’t get about healthcare:

    I was involved in a serious accident and the passenger in my car was taken to hospital in an ambulance and had to have scans, etc. It ended up costing 1000 Euros.

    One of my teeth needed to be replaced by a dental implant. I had it removed, a bone graft was necessary, then a few months later they drilled a metal pin into the jaw bone, then they placed a crown on it. The pin was Swiss made, the dentist did a 3d scan of the inside of my mouth for the crown. I had a few return visits. It ended up costing me 3000 Euros total, but I specifically spread the appointments around the new year: november - january. This was a big deal for me, as I was unemployed and needed to dip into my already small savings.

    I had a headache, so I bought myself some paracetamol(tylenol?) at the drug store. 50 for 2 euros.

    Sounds ok, right?

    Here’s the thing that Americans don’t get. These are all fully private prices.

    The first incident, I received a bill because it would have to be paid by the other party’s insurance. 1000 Euros was the fully private cost without government intervention. The accident had happened just across the border in another country.

    The second anecdote, this was also the fully private cost. Dental implants are not covered by healthcare. I have supplemental private dental insurance (20 Euros per month), which has a maximum deductable of 2000 Euros per year. Spreading it out meant I ended up spending only a few hundred euros, after I received money from my insurance a few weeks later.

    The US system isn’t just absurdly expensive for people who aren’t insured, it’s absurdly expensive compared to fully private healthcare in plenty of developed countries.

    Hell, have a look at how much it costs to get plastic surgery in the US. A boob job is likely to cost you less than a visit to the ER, despite the latter being a far more involved and expensive operation.

    It seems obvious to me that a lot of price gouging and anti-competitive behaviour is going on in US healthcare, and simply regulating (not privatising) properly would already make things far more affordable. How else can you explain healthcare costs per capita being up to three times as high as comparably developed countries, but outcomes often being worse? Healthcare shouldn’t have to cost this much. The healthcare industry can make a reasonable profit while charging far more reasonable prices.

    TLDR: you’re getting ripped off, but you have no choice in the matter, because what are you going to do if it’s an emergency? You can’t just leave the country.