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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • that can’t be employed at scale as readily

    Well there’s your problem right there:

    You’re concerned we can’t scale up arbitrary killings? Would you prefer something on a larger, more industrial scale, perhaps with large, gas-fueled ovens?

    Killing should be hard, and it should be personal, not vaguely waving a hand in a general direction. You should know their name and hopefully have filled out a few forms beforehand.

    If you want to kill somebody, when you aren’t at war with their entire country, then BE SPECIFIC.

    Drone strikes that take out a known Al-Queda leader: ✅

    Drone strike that takes out a random Afghan wedding: ❌

  • Got banned for saying Russia was committing war crimes in Ukraine.

    As a comment to a AP story showing evidence of Russians committing war crimes in Ukraine.

    Apparently that was ‘bigotry’.

    This was 2 weeks after getting banned for threatening violence. For posting a NBC news article reporting on the Trump shooting. They reversed that on appeal, but I’m not appealing the second one, they’re just broken now.

    Basically anyone can report anything and they don’t have anyone to review it so it’s easy censorship. Yet somehow the subs that actually threaten violence have no problems.

  • InverseParallax@lemmy.worldtoProgramming@programming.devSoftware Disenchantment
    1 year ago

    That’s not the problem.

    Software used to be an artisan job, a skilled engineer carefully sculpts a solution for a problem.

    Management didn’t have much to add there, or visibility, this was a world-breaking problem for them, where was their value?

    The solution was issue-tracking, make every line of code a bureaucratic nightmare, ensure panopticon-like visibility for everything, that guaranteed the manager was always in control.

    Progress slowed to a crawl, that’s fine, you just need to hire more developers, hundreds, they scale, right?

    Good programmers stick to startups because large companies are just well-paying torture firms. I wouldn’t go back to Google for any amount of money, but I’ll do a startup almost for free, because they let me write code.

  • This has been a problem forever, the googleization of CS where everything is assumed to scale to gigabytes and therefore all that matters is big-O.

    In systems that’s meaningless, what really matters is memory locality, loop placement, caching/lookaside and other features.

    The JDk is an excellent example of both large scale and small scale optimization, the GC systems and much of the low-level features like locking use microoptimizations while the higher order data structure features use algorithmic optimizations.