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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Countries have the right to expel foreign diplomats and embassies as long as they don’t arrest them or go through their stuff when they leave. The newly couped Niger junta requested the French ambassador leave and revoked his visa, but the French are still refusing to leave, claiming that because they don’t recognize the legitimacy of the new junta, they don’t have to follow the junta’s orders to leave. Regardless of your opinion of the new junta, in how does a former colonial power be in the right when they are blatantly ignoring the legal rights and sovereignty of their independent former colony’s government that is doing things by the book? They stopped sending the ambassador food and are confining him to his embassy until he leaves, especially given the current junta that is extremely gentle treatment

  • What’s even more mind boggling is that despite Starlink being so critical to Ukrainian communications, neither the Ukrainian government nor the US entered into a contract with a clause obligating Starlink to maintain service. Musk can just legally turn off Starlink for them with no legal repercussions because they never negotiated something against that into a contract with him. Even if they had to pay a premium rate for Starlink, for a service that critical to the Ukrainian Armed Forces it’s worth it

  • China is facing a massive traffic issue with cars that makes becoming a car-dependent society difficult. As their middle class becomes larger and wealthier, the amount of cars on the road has increased exponentially, far more than their road and highway systems were designed to handle. While the US has had over a century to build society around car ownership, China has to scramble in order to build enough infrastructure to accommodate all their new cars, a task much more difficult than building public transportation. Add in China’s heavy dependence on foreign oil imports compared to the US, and being a car centered society just doesn’t make sense for them

  • Ukraine has been in war economy mode for over a year now, and it’s not sustainable long term while all of the sanctions on Russia haven’t crippled their economy to the point of being unable to continue fighting. Their ability to fight Russia is largely dependent on continued western aid, largely from the US, which has become increasingly controversial politically. The current counteroffensive has been a slow, long grind without much in the way of territorial gain so far, further decreasing popular support for Ukraine in the west. If Russian sympathizers in the US government manage to block aid to Ukraine before they are able to break Russia’s defenses, the Ukrainian Armed Forces will run out of funding and equipment and be forced to negotiate best case scenario, or be overrun by the Russians worst case scenario. It is still a long time until the next US election so they should still fight, but unless they’re able to make dramatic gains like they did previously, Ukraine may have to negotiate eventually

  • Trump was exposed to large amounts of highly classified information as president for four years, and has shown a willingness to sell it to the highest bidder. He’d 100% throw the US under the bus to stay in Russia, and his supporters will deny he ever did such a thing just as they deny he publicly called for storming the Capital or as they deny the current charges against him

  • For decades, the Republican party has had the Baptist/Evangelical vote in the bag without having to actually do anything thanks to abortion. Republican politicians could rile up their base attacking abortion and be excused for not doing anything about it by their constituents as abortion was a constitutional right, and because abortion was a constitutional right that couldn’t be taken away, those who cared about it could still be in good conscience when they vote for a Republican. The dog caught its tail when Roe was overturned, and now that abortion can be outlawed on every level of government, Republican inaction on abortion will see their support among Baptists/Evangelicals tank. Overturning Roe is the most self damaging thing the Republican party has ever done, and now they are forced to choose between catering to religious fanatics or normal people

  • Unfortunately the current situation appeases the global powers the most. China and Russia will not stand to have a US allied united Korea so close to Beijing and Vladivostok, which means a united Korea is a neutral, non US aligned Korea, which the US does not want. Having North Korea be a buffer state between China/Russia and the US aligned South Korea is the most stable option, and as a result North Korea knows that it can do whatever it wants and still be propped up by Beijing, just as it has since the Korean war

  • Awesome. We get to save money on storing and disposing of old, surplus equipment, and Taiwan gets weapons that will prove vital should war break out. In the event of a war between Taiwan and China, US intervention is not guaranteed, and it will be significantly more difficult to send arms to Taiwan compared to how we’ve been sending arms to Ukraine, so ensuring that Taiwan has the means to defend themselves ahead of time is vital if the US wants to make sure Taiwan survives. The amount is basically nothing compared to the US military’s annual budget or the aid we’ve given to other countries, but hopefully this opens the door for further investment into Taiwan’s military