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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • They were not that close, they just drove in from Belarus and dropped some paratroopers with no support. That’s a good strategy for losing your best troops.

    They also didn’t use a few days of bombing to soften up the targets. Ukraine was surprised but all of their equipment was intact. That’s like number one in any attack plan.

    They basically underestimated the Ukrainians and thought they would just run away. Those paratroopers were very good but they are only scary to local police, not to a trained military. Without heavy support, they were sitting ducks at the airport.

  • Are they searching based on evidence (fair)?

    Do you really think that there’s a bunch of children running drugs around so they need to be strip searched? Let me repeat that: do you think children are committing crimes right and left?

    The police searched them, so if there was “evidence” they would have been arrested. “Child drug gangs” would be all over the news. Since that didn’t happen, we know that these children were targeted based on assumptions (probably race).

    Black children have a problem with people assuming they are older than they really are and treating them like adults. If you think there’s a ton of “evidence” that literal children are committing a ton of crime, you’re part of the problem.

  • It is the same. Property tax valuation isn’t “exactly correct”, nor does it need to be. It’s just roughly consistent across similar properties. If anything, it’s easier to value the private shares you own because they are exactly the same as the shares someone else in your company owns. Properties are all unique.

    I don’t mean to insult you, but you are clearly not an expert in finance. Like I said, I understand why you don’t want to pay a valuation tax on your shares but it would be technically simple to implement.

    Honestly though, you don’t have to worry about it. No wealth tax is being proposed on any amount under $100 million. And no tax is proposed above 2%. If you have $100 million in private shares, your tax burden will not negatively affect your life. Get an expert.

  • Valuing your incentive shares is not hard. It’s done every day. The bank that would give you a loan does it to know how much money they can loan you.

    Your illiquid private shares would just have the value discounted by some percentage to account for this: say, 30%. So you could be taxed on the remaining 70%.

    I understand that you don’t want this to be true, but it is. You are not the first person with an illiquid asset, and It’s relatively easy to value it for tax purposes. Property tax is paid based on the assessed value of real estate, which is also illiquid. Every year billions of people manage to pay their property taxes without having to sell their homes.

    So you’re wrong.

  • Making $93 million with inside information on volatile tech companies is easy. This guy sounds pretty bad at trading.

    If you know that Tesla is going to have a “historically successful quarter”, it’s child’s play to buy a call option that will triple (or more) your money. This dude could even have hidden his inside info by buying and selling a series of options on index funds that held Tesla (instead of the real thing). The index would jump by a small amount that could be magnified if you buy the right contracts.

    If they tripled their money each time, they could make 81x their starting money on just these 4 companies. They should have at least over $100 million, if not $1 billion.

  • Russia has had democracy for 33 years. The people living on the Ukrainian border have electricity and running water. They are not idiots. You are acting like missing a few comforts makes people so stupid they can’t take care of their own lives.

    Guess what? Most people who voted for George Washington for President lacked running water. And all of them lacked electricity (except Ben Franklin I guess). They figured it out because you don’t need running water or electricity at all. If you can run a farm and feed yourself, you can figure out who is lying to you and choose your leader.