This is all true. Kinda surprising. Memes about Canada are usually pretty incorrect.
This is all true. Kinda surprising. Memes about Canada are usually pretty incorrect.
What a guy!
Wait but Joe Rogan told me it’s governed by a communist, I don’t know what that is but it can’t be good
I’m part of the rest of society and I agree with their methods. I haven’t been propagandized into thinking protests shouldn’t be disruptive (ignorable). They’ve got you thinking minor inconvenience = utter contempt (which for some reason you chose to write two comments in a row), and that for some reason deserves prison time.
Think about it, really, imagine this was coming from someone you respect enough to make you consider changing your mind; should protests that cause no bodily harm be a criminal offence? Should the people not have a way to truly disrupt the system if our existence is at stake? Is the convenience of the ignorant more important than our survival? I’d love to hear your honest answers to these questions.
I really don’t mind if the mildly inconvenienced thousands of people. If in a functioning democracy our powers are threefold - the vote, the media and protest, and peaceful protest by its very nature is a protest that can be ignored, then no change can be affected by non disruptive protest. In my opinion this isn’t disruptive enough. If we treated this climate crisis with the urgency it deserves then we would take a page out of the European book and block highways with concrete bollards.
Make no mistake, our children will burn and we’re worried about missing a flight.
I think it’s safe to say that if they gave up their freedom for the cause of trying to save us and our descendants from climate catastrophe then they are absolutely morally superior to both of us. The mistake you make is thinking that the law has a single thing to do with moral superiority, it only deals in financial superiority.
What an absolutely tone deaf and patronizing statement. The world is ending but god forbid we inconvenience anyone while trying to do something about it.
Of course, young men were starting to be much too peaceful and open-minded.
All right wingers aren’t nazis or racists, but all nazis and racists are right wingers so that might explain it.
We need a new meme style to explode and the small communities to grow, then we’d be there.
Because they’re idiot hipsters who want to live in trendy places.
None of that is luxury, it’s overpriced garbage for morons who destroy every neighborhood they move into.
I’m perfectly fine with hating and even blaming developers. These are people who have decided that making money is a good enough excuse to cause suffering.
What does what your ancestors did have to do with what we now know about modern factory farming? The question was about still eating beef despite what we know today, what does that have to do with your ancestors? Is your comment not the very definition of a strawman?
Today half of these people would have been convinced by dudes on social media that real men don’t support this cause. Or Joe Rogan would’ve convinced them that it’s a communist plot. Or Alex Jones would’ve had them thinking it’s a globalist conspiracy to try and get us to eat bugs. They’re all just different feathers on the conservative propaganda wing. These people are a direct threat to our society’s progress.
I’ve never once in the last decade seen a single vegan post other than recipes. What I do see is constant posts about how “vegans are always throwing it my face/holier than thou”, “I’m gonna eat extra meat because vegans make me feel bad”. I really don’t think vegans are the problem, I think these fools fall for every single piece of beef industry propaganda that comes across their screens.
Public services shouldn’t be profitable.
Dumb fucks who fall for propaganda on every platform.
I switched to weighing everything a few years ago and I when I moved I didn’t have to have a set of spoons, dry cups, wet cups. I just use the scale.
Did anybody ever not sour on this testicular sore of a human being?