• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • How many in that statistic are men being killed by women? How many of those murders are the result of gang violence that’s predominantly committed against men by other men?

    I assume you’re referring to this stat:

    In 2022, the FBI reported that 14,441 men and 4,251 women were murdered in the United States.

    … which equates to about 79% of all murders.

    There’s a lot of nuance in that broad, sweeping statistic, but here are some statistics that are more clear:

    In the same year, there were 15,094 male murder offenders and 2,107 female murder offenders.

    … so the problem isn’t that more men are being murdered in general, but that an overwhelmingly larger number of men are murderers, and they target each other quite a bit. Gang violence stats are wrapped up in that 79%, and most gang violence is male-on-male.

    Here’s another:

    Among homicides in the United States, intimate partners kill almost 50% of female and 10% of male victims.

    Many of these stats are situational, making that overly-broad figure misleading.

    Also, the likelihood of being murdered increases quite a bit when a woman is pregnant:

    In 2020, the homicide rate for pregnant or postpartum women was 5.23 per 100,000 live births, which is 35% higher than the rate for non-pregnant and non-postpartum women.

    And that doesn’t include all the violent sexual crimes against women and girls, that are also committed at a far higher rate than against men and boys.

    The overarching fact seems to be that men kill men a lot, and they also kill women an order of magnitude more often than women kill men, so maybe the problem here is men’s propensity for violence.

    e: If that’s what you meant, I agree, we should be finding and implementing ways to reduce male toxicity in general, which includes many things like supporting mental health care and opposing norms (mostly within the online ‘manosphere’) that promote and foster toxic rather than healthy masculinity.

  • I’m still having so many crashes and basic UX issues (still don’t get context when clicking comments or replies, editing comments is a crap shoot, notifications mean nothing, posts crash to a non-recoverable screen even though they load fine in a browser, etc) I’m giving up.

    It’s been a good run, and I’m very sad to move on. I’ve used Memmy since nearly day 1 and I really loved this app. I could tell the devs were giving us their best for a while. It reminded me most of my beloved Apollo, and it’s such a shame – perhaps the volume is just too much for the team?

    But the issues with the app are preventing me from using Lemmy like I want to, so I’m going to have to bail.

    I wish all the best for the devs, but there are too many fundamental issues, long-standing bugs, and UX issues for me. Peace.

    e: added a new bug, marked by asterisk (OR NOT, because it only keeps some text during an edit now?!? WTAF, how does that even happen? Wrong regex? I’m done.

    e2: I think it’s keeping edits at the end, but not in the middle. The bug I was trying to add was a hard crash any time I try to make a new post. Adding in case anyone cares.

  • Isn’t that true of pretty much everu technology, though? I remember in the late 70s there’d occasionally be a loud pop and a puff of smoke from the television, and I’d tag along with my dad to the tv shop to buy new vacuum tubes, then we’d remove the back of the television and do minor repairs. Everyone knew how to do that.

    My television today is a magic black box.

  • Socrates said books were dumbing down humanity because, since people could just look things up in books they wouldn’t have to memorise information anymore, and that made their brains soft.

    Ever since society began, some people have been convinced the next generation’s technology was going to be society’s downfall, whether it was Socrates’ books, the telegraph in the 1800s, radio, the (land line) telephone, dishwashers (women will become lazy and unsuitable wives and mothers), screened windows (society will collapse because you won’t hear your neighbours and pedestrians on the street, we’ll all become hermits and die holed up in our homes), comic books would rot the brains of the youth, then music, then video games… it goes on and on.

    So far, those predictions have never been true. Every older generation freaks out when the ones after come of age. It’s like societal growing pains.