• 3 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2024


  • I remember during the pandemic lockdown, I would watch on youtube a live stream of a programing trying to learn to play the NES game Super Mario Bros. It took 4 days for it to learn to go right.

    It was the kind of stream that you would watch for 2-3 minutes at a time. It live streamed 24/7 for months. You’d pop in once or twice a day, learn what the computer learned, and after a few minutes you saw it making the same mistakes time after time after time.

    But the next day, you’d come in and find that he made it past the pitt he was falling down yesterday.

    I was there, after 9 days nonstop playing, he finally beat 1-1 for the first time! Everybody celebrated so hard for about 5 seconds. Then on 1-2 he immediately ran left, and died to the first goomba without any attempt to dodge.

    I can only imagine this AI will be just as boring to watch for long periods, but exciting to watch over the coarse of weeks/months.

  • I have been wondering since this war started, what’s preventing China from just taking ALL of Russia. Like, 2021? That’s Russia. 2025? That’s China now.

    Russia would never threaten China with nukes, because 1) China ALSO has nukes, and 2) China has been the only thing keeping Russia afloat recently.

    So what if something like 9,000,000 soldiers all collectively invaded Russia from one central entrypoint as far east as Chinas border is along Russias, thus splitting Russias military in a two way war.

    The United States wouldn’t get involved because that would mean they’re helping Russia. But also, who else WOULD get involved? Putin is lucky that China doesn’t have ME as it’s head of state. Because from my perspective, it’s free real estate that nobody wants to defend, being occupied by a tiger army, and it’s land is full of resources that if China were to monopolize, would grant them a grip around the balls of the rest of the world.

    But it would have to be a scorched earth kind of invasion. The kind that pisses off basically everyone, because it leaves every single Russian, military, or citizen, dead. They’d have to come in, take everything, and kill everything. Take the land. The only thing they have to make sure of, is that they DON’T fight Ukraine. They tell Ukraine “We won’t invade your space, but Russia is ours”. And Ukraine would probably take that deal.

    But it seems China is very VERY averse to war right now. Which tells me, they aren’t ready for a war.

  • Well…I took Biden at his word. I thought him having actual empathy meant he could empathize with Ukrainian mothers losing their sons. I thought the goal was to bring the war to an fnd without causing WWIII. I thought it was a balancing act.

    But now I see no balancing act. I just see a never ending war, played like a game, with human lives as the game pieces. Thrown around like monopoly money. But these people are actual real people. Having their home invaded by a ruthless dictator who claims to be anti-nazi, but is legitimately the modern day hitler.

    I guess I’m just disappointed in my country for treating war like a game, and ignoring the death tally.