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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023

  • You know whats even scarier? Out of the thousands of devices produced I bet none of them have gone through proper quality control and testing (because it requires documentation, which kind of goes against the whole “covert” thing), which means the failure rates are probably through the roof. This means that there are most likely dozens of unexploded devices still around filled with plastique. This means 2 things, 1st you essentially gave away military grade explosives to uncontrolled civilians which can be harnessed and reused for other malicious purposes, and 2nd if a media illiterate civilian doesn’t know to chuck their device in a tar pit, they will continue to walk around with an unexploded bomb strapped to their leg for a long time.

    All in all, whoever came up with this Idea, should be gunned down in the streets like a dog. Or at least be prosecuted for every confirmed civilian death.

  • There are only a few things that will make me buy a game without a second thought.

    • a game by Capcom,
    • a game by Kojima,
    • “Overwhelmingly Positive” reviews on Steam,
    • a Bundle with the game and all DLCs for under $10,
    • a game with a notoriously large modding community,
    • a game that a friend what’s to play in coop.

    That’s about it, everything else is pirate first and if it’s actually something I’ll play I buy the game for real. I’m 400+ games deep in my Steam library of which I have maybe 20 actually completed and 5 that I regularly play. That’s literally thousands of dollars down the drain.

  • Do you think everybody works on a game pro bono until it releases and makes a profit? Artists and Devs are all either commissioned or salaried employees. By the time the game releases everybody who put in any effort has long been paid. You’re effectively stealing management bonuses, shareholder dividends and most importantly the budget for a sequel or longterm support.

  • A lot of people talk about straightness and flatness as mathematical concepts. But I think OP means it in a technical sense, as in flat like your phone screen or straight as the edges of the screen but in nature. In this sense, flatness or straightness is defined as a finite number of measured points on a surface of which the coordinates all lie between 2 mathematicaly flat/straight parallel tolerance planes/lines. By that definition, depending on what a person would consider flat, say 0.002 mm between the planes/lines, there are definetly naturally occurring crystals that would pass that test.

  • I think there are two separate things that are culturally called ‘depression’, but one of them is just inexplicable sadness.
    We have a separation between feelings that we are allowed to feel and feelings that are frowned upon. Most negitive emotions belong to the former group. You are not supposed to feel hate, envy, anger or sadness. Sadness is only accptable in certain circumstances, like funerals, goodbyes, loss of a job, etc. So when people have an inexplicable period off sadness outside of those circumstances they often attribute it to depression. But this is a valid emotion that you are allowed and supposed to feel. And your body also has ways to deal with sadness. When I’m sad, I’m comfortable in knowing that eventually it is going to pass and there’s going to be relief.

    But then there is ‘depression’. All of us are problem solvers, that’s just how all our brains work. All our life, whatever the issue is we always try to find a solution. And if the solution is not apparent or non-existent we weigh the effort of continuing to look for a solution against the the severely of the problem. For most of our problems the solutions are easily apperent and if they are not, it is usually an issue that is not worth wrapping our heads around. But then there are people with problems that can’t be ignored, fundamental issues of existence. And some of those problems are fundamentally unsolvable. So this is the point where your problem solving brain gets into a negative feedback loop of, ‘can’t ignore this problem, but theres no solution, but I can’t ignore this problem, but theres no solution, but I can’t ignore this problem, but theres no solution, …’. Even if you are not thinking about it, it occupies your mind and drains you mentally to the point where even other easily solvable problems become monumental tasks for you preoccupied mind.

    An example is, having a bad childhood, therefore missing crucial early social development, this cascades into missing out on early romantic relationships, the lack of experience makes you even more undesirable. Even if you develop that later in life, you can’t turn back the clock, the time to experiment around has passend and now that everybody else around you is more mature you will always be held to a higher standard than you can fulfill. There is no solution to this, it is just the passage of time, natures law.
    Another example is education, if all you life you’ve been told that all you need is a good education. And now suddenly the tides have turned and now the degree that you spend arguably the most important decade off your life barely pushing through is not even the bare minimum, you have a serious problem. You are to old and life has become to expensive to start over. Its even worse if on paper it shouldn’t be that way. On every corner you’re being told ‘Yes, but not you’. Again, theres no solution. The dice keep rolling against you and you’re running out of dice to roll.
    Seeing young talented people is another cause of depression. Being reminded that there’s nothing you are really good at because all your life you’ve been behind, swimming upstream to not get washed away. Having no time to get into anything because you were always looking for the most effortless distraction for you occupied mind. Even if you know now that it’s not about talent but about dedication and practice. If you’d would start now to get good at something, by the time you’re proficient enough you’d either be to old to impress or to old to enjoy you own proficiency. It’ll be just a constant reminder that ‘you could’ve started earlier’.

    In general I would say that depression is a symptom of things that we can’t but wish to control like the passage of time, luck, decay, etc. I also wouldn’t call it a disease because it’s more of a base line of complex life. There are basically two base lines, being completely unaware of your problems (being obliviously happy) and being hyperaware of your problems (being depressed). Ideally you would spend all your life right in the middle between those two. But depending on what type of person you are, if you are not actively working towards the middle you will naturally gravitate toward one or the other. The issue is that golden retriever energy people are usually not regarded as problematic, whereas downer people are.

  • Is the actual problem pulse or blood pressure? According to my Fitbit, my hearth rate fluctuates between ~ 60 - 160 BPM through they day. A short 20 second jog can make it rise above 120 easily. But gaming is different. My pulse usually sits around resting heart rate (because my body is technically at rest) but sometimes when playing Tarkov or DayZ my blood pressure rises to the point that I can feel my own heartbeat in my ears while my pulse remains at resting rate.