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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Op, I agree with getting some gastric testing, if possible. I may or not be divergent, testing is cost prohibitive. But I was diagnosed as a child with IBS and still have occasional issues after food poisoning set backs a while ago. After getting that straightened out, a decent probiotic cap with fiber set me back on track until I could eat a mostly veggie diet, until the robber Barron corporate overlords started pricing decent food so crazily. You can add nutrition to crackers or bread with nut butters if your toddler will have them. If toddler requires more sweetness, try adding as little maple syrup as possible, and honey if his practitioner deems it ok.

    Have you tried home made sweet potato fries (oven baked or air fry is fine, you’d have to look up how to oven fry them), or if your child will eat baked sweet potatoe with a little real butter they are highly nutritious and gut friendly. It’s just hard to say because one of the many reasons I may be asd is it doesn’t matter how much I like the flavor of something, if I don’t like the feel or consistency of a food, I’m simply not having it.

  • Lancing a boil is painful, but it’s the only way to start healing @

    I know. It’s the maintaining that’s for reasons. I’m working on it, because every time that wound scabs over and they sense it and find an opportunity, ripping it off and rubbing dirt into it is a gleefully taken opportunity. They are unwell, probably clinical npd. They were extremely violated for about a decade, as a child and never sought help (sign of the times l suppose, insurance didn’t exist, psychological help was out of reach financially and well, the parents were the abusers), etc etc etc. at ~8 decades of life, it’s just not going to happen, unless some wild miracle happens, and I’m not counting on it. Whether I completely cut contact or not, there’s a he’ll of a mess I’ll be cleaning up, and I would suppose death after a cut may add another heaping pile of rot on top of it. But I’m currently doing all within my realistic ability to do that. Still stinks and is extremely painful, either way.

    I realize I just trauma dumped a huge pile of emotional baggage on you. I almost want to delete this but want others who are in a position to cut contract to see it. Get out because it gets worse with age, not better. And layers of layers of scar tissue can become extremely painful, festering, leaking wounds.

    ETA: Please accept my apologies, if this is too much.