You hear about and see this a lot. You can even see it on people’s faces sometimes when you talk to them. They are already thinking about what they want to say rather than actually listening to what is said. So they are listening to respond rather than listening to truly engage in the conversation. I think many of us can be guilty of it at times. So I try to catch myself when I’m doing it. Remind myself how it feels to be on the other end of it when someone else does it.
Curious how that customer reacted. Hopefully well.
I used to get Domino’s delivered to me years back. Often in the winter with snow on the ground and it is near zero. I always put my porch light on and waited near the door. The app showed me they were close, so why wouldn’t I? I can’t believe how many drivers thanked me for just doing these things. Many told me they’d often wait 5 minutes after knocking or ringing the doorbell. Like WTF? You know your order is coming.