• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • They employ 30,000 people. It’s only natural that after decade of abuse, at least a few will use force against the blockading super-power that periodically kills their children at random.

    And Israel made allegations against 19, only 9 of whom the UN found good evidence for so there’s a better than 50-50 chance a given “Hamas” UNRWA employee is perfectly innocent. Most “western democracies” wouldn’t take a 50-50 shot at killing civilians but Israel’s so called “precision strikes” demonstrate they’re perfectly happy to murder arbitrary numbers of children in the process of killing a maybe-terrorist.

  • The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, which tracks violent incidents in the West Bank, said in its latest update on Wednesday that Israeli settlers had carried out 25 attacks against Palestinians in the previous week.

    Wow. So if you fight for your land, your territory gets leveled and you get rapidly genocided, and if you try to coexist peacefully, you get slowly genocided?

  • Last week, the treatment of Palestinian prisoners ignited a furious public row, as far right demonstrators – including members of Israel’s parliament – violently tried to prevent the arrest of soldiers accused of sexually abusing a prisoner from Gaza at the Sde Teiman military base. Some of those protesting were followers of Israel’s hardline security minister, Itamar Ben Gvir, the man in overall charge of the prison service. Mr Ben Gvir has frequently boasted that under his watch, conditions for Palestinian detainees have deteriorated sharply.

    Such an shining example of Western values and democracy in the Middle East. Let’s send them more bombs and F-35s for self-defense against children huddling in schools and hospitals!

  • I did, and multiple friends are either actively working on doing the same or have expressed interest but have constraints (e.g. an autistic child who found a school / therapist they like, or non-ASD kids in hard age ranges to move).

    Contributing to a pro-birth, anti-democracy, anti-reasonable-gun-control, transphobic economy in a hot humid climate that’s getting worse made no sense.

    Texas literally banned ensuring workers get 10 minute water breaks every four hours. They banned cities voting to protect their own trees. Local democracies try to make things better and Texas says no. All the while, Texas refuses to employ a fair taxation strategy for less-urban areas, so blue cities have to fund the red counties’ school districts. Anybody not actively fighting to improve the political situation there should leave.

    I haven’t missed the weather at all.

    You’re underwater on a mortgage - this may not be catastrophic if you have a COVID interest rate and the place is rentable. Is that an option?