• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • It is down for the over the Mediterranean Sea routes and up for the from Turkey into Greece routes. And through the Canary Islands.

    How long the downward trend will hold remains to be seen, however. Smugglers are always quick to adapt and find new routes around border controls. In the Eastern Mediterranean, the second-most-used route, smuggling networks are now using speedboats in increasingly aggressive ways to avoid controls and targeting islands farther away from the Turkish coast in the central Aegean, according to Greek authorities.

    The number of migrants arriving in Greece by sea and overland during the first eight months of the year rose by 57%, U.N. data shows.

  • You could argue that what we have isnt true capitalism, since our current system doesnt include the environmental cost. If we could do that, then the cost of doing things would greatly increase, thus forcing capitalism to be more environmentally friendly.

    I dont want to defend capitalism, but there is a potential version of capitalism that could work. Kinda how we use the replicative aggressive function of viruses for healing.

    The fact that in the West, right wings are often insane, doesnt mean much. 95% of new coal power plants are built in China. Are they right wing? I think they are but tankies think China is socialist.

    Obviously China has immense demand for power and it is in many ways a developing country. They took some measures to reduce the negative environmental effect. Their cities were covered in smog till recently, they had to do something.

    But despite that, they still value the growth/wealth of cheap electric power.

  • My entire postscript was just an attempt to make veganism more appealing. That extra little push might enable more people to become vegan. Which is why you see a lot more emphasis to the health benefits of veganism or the positive environmental impact of veganism.

    These are things that might enable people to become vegan(or reduce their animal product consumption), because they dont make people feel attacked when you discuss these aspects of veganism. Ultimately, the animal doesnt care if it doesnt get killed(or created), because a human stopped eating animal products for the gains or because the human became a “woke” animal rights advocate. The end result is the same.

    And while becoming “woke” is a more sustainable long term position, it can also be harder to sell to current mainstream because of social norms. And a lot of people might become vegan for the gains and then transition to be an animal rights advocate, because it is easier.

  • Most people think themselves as good people. Most people love, or claim to love, animals.

    The existence of veganism and its implication is that there is an unnecessary animal holocaust happening, because of societal norms and for the entertainment of people’s palates. So how do you reconcile these things? By claiming that veganism is something extreme, something unattractive, something that is impossible to do.

    People who talk about how “militant vegans have turned them away from veganism” are mostly lying to themselves. If an asshole told you not to litter, would you litter because of that? If an asshole told you to be atheist would you go “well now, i will be even more religious”? But when people make arguments like this, leftists realize how ridiculous those arguments are. Except when it comes to veganism.

    Obviously you catch more bees with honey than with vinegar but i want to believe that people in this site can see past that and think for themselves.

    Legumes(beans/lentils), vegetables, fruits, potatoes, pasta and rice is what most of the world already eats. Nowadays there are vegan alternatives for stuff and most restaurants often have a vegan option. It isnt hard to be vegan but any lifestyle change can be hard, especially if real life is putting a lot of pressure on you.

    Any change is hard, being vegan is easy. Millions of people are vegan and have been vegan for many years. I have been vegan for 12 years now. There has never been an easier time to be vegan than now. Being vegan is the easiest and with the biggest impact thing you can do.

    True Courage Is About Knowing Not When To Take A Life But When To Spare One

    PS Salt potato chips and oreos are vegan. You dont need to eat healthy. And if you are a straight dude, vegan dudes are more attractive to women, even to non vegan women. It’s literally free +charisma in real life.

  • Cleopatra wasnt an egyptian, she was a macedonian greek. Alexander the Great conquered the “entire” world, then died and his general Ptolemy got the kingdom of Egypt. Egypt was ruled by the Ptolemy dynasty and was infamously isolated and incestuous. Their court was mostly greeks or hellenized(greekified) egyptians/jews. In fact, Cleopatra was the first(and last) Ptolemy ruler to even bother to learn egyptian, in 200 years of their rule.

    Also egyptians arent black, even today they have all kinds of skin colours. Primarily they fucked other mediterranean people, greeks, carthaginians, romans, phoenicians, hittites. Most black people live(lived) below the Sahara desert, so while there was some trade traffic towards/from that direction, it was pretty limited in comparison. You did have things like the kingdom of Kush but for the most part Egypt had more to do with mediterranean(and middle east) states than with subsaharan ones(Sudan/Ethiopia).

    So i dont think egyptians are black for the most part and i think most racists would agree.

  • Greece was always a majority leftist country, till it wasnt. It only took 15 years of austerity and a brief leftist stint during which Troika(EC/ECB/IMF) turned off liquidity for the greek banks and forced the leftist government to vote the most austere economic measures(otherwise they would nuke the greek economy). This lead to even more suffering, more brain drain, etc. Many young and educated greeks(who are usually leftist), left Greece.

    And then when the right wing conservative government got elected, everyone in the EU celebrated the “return to normality”. Greek debt is still as high as it has ever been, yet Greece now has access to EU’s free money scheme. Greece even issued negative interest bonds a while back. How can a country with 200% debt/gdp issue negative interest bonds? Remember when this was a disastrous amount of debt?

    Unsurprisingly, in the last elections, the conservative government dominated and on top of that, 3 far right parties got elected too. The right wing got a combined 53% of the votes. Participation was low, because everyone in the Left is disappointed, burnt out or have left the country.

    PS The IMF eventually even admitted that the austerity measures were counterproductive and were actually hurting the greek economy. But Germany insisted in moralizing economics.