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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2023


  • I’m not stalking you… honest ;-) “Left, right and centre” have always existed on a spectrum. Like you (I think) I’m left wing compared to an ultra nationalist, for example, but compared to a “tankie” I’m… whatever insult they want to throw my way. The key thing is “left” in itself is also a kind of spectrum; there’s an enormous difference between Stalin’s collectivisation of Soviet agriculture versus free school meals for all. You’ve met some socialists or communists etc and you seem to have realised/decided they’re a bit too left for you. Therefore it seemed reasonable to guess you were a little bit left as opposed to being full-on red flag waving left. This rant is just trying to say that there’s an entire sliding scale of left (and right) and it’s not about being 100% anything. Slightly or a bit left of middle seemed about where you might be.

  • Well, the article was written eight months prior to product release; so its value and relevancy takes a nose dive immediately. The very first phrase : “Tech companies want us isolated and constantly staring at screens because it drives profit.” shows an embarrassing misunderstanding of AR - perhaps the reviewer got confused with VR? They are two very different things and should not be confused. Those were enough red flags that the “journalist” had an agenda to follow and kind of played themselves there.

  • Good luck debating this topic. Even on a sight such as this it is way too divisive a question. You don’t have to support either side - it’s not a sports contest. There is too much history and backstory to make a snap decision. It’s just more death and misery for innocent folk on both sides whilst the fanatics (Hardliners, extremists etc.) on both sides try to wipe each other out.