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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • “some brands of bikes” make frames out of carbon fiber with wireless derailleurs and have rear facing radar to detect when other bikes or vehicles are approaching, how fast, and on which side.

    When your exercise, your recreation, your hobby, and your transportation are all the same thing, it’s easy to justify spending more to make those things as easy and pleasant as possible.

    You can get a perfectly usable bike for very little money in America… Probably still made in China though 😂

  • I think you’re missing the point, at least as far as I understand it.

    Child predators experienced some kind of trauma, and as a result they never developed. That could be external trauma (abuse) or internal trauma (thoughts, mental illness) but as their body “grew up” and they began developing sexual urges, they never matured.

    Think about your first crush. They were your age, probably, unless you had a crush on Jennifer Connelly like every other millennial boy. As you grew up your crushes were probably always within a few years of you. It’s just how it works.

    In “minor attracted people” (I hate that term, but it works for criminals AND non-criminals so it’s valid) the attraction just doesn’t get updated.

    Humans are REALLY BAD at controlling our impulses. Especially impulses that are taboo. Especially biological impulses (eating, sex, learning, games, etc).

    So these people go into fields where they can be around kids. And then an “opportunity” arises and they either can’t fight their criminal impulse or they rationalize their criminal behavior.

    And boom. Traumatized kids and teachers in jail.

    We need to get more people therapy.

  • Obviously, in any discussion about groups as diverse as men/women, it’s important to recognize that these are sweeping generalizations and that individuals can vary wildly.

    It’s not being “sensitive” or “emotional” that most dudes have trouble with.

    Most women probably don’t consider it a sign of strength, either. Not the sensitivity or emotionality.

    In my experience, most men are focused on something that is happening. A sport or activity, a task, whatever. Your sharing is most likely out of rapport and just isn’t how they want to interact.

    I have close male friendships that are very emotionally open, and others where it just doesn’t feel right.

    In my experience, women are different. Male/female relationships are already complicated and getting into preferences and other dynamics is pointless. It could be anything.

    Assuming you’re attractive/confident/wealthy/etc, there would be many women who would comfort you just to keep you in their orbit.

    Assuming you aren’t, there are many women who would comfort you out of a sense of maternal care and empathy.

    Assuming you’re usually friendly, funny, safe, etc, women broadly seem to be kinder and more interested in interacting in that emotional space.

    Does any of it matter? Probably not. Before insulting all men you know, it might be better to consider that you might just not like to have typical male friends. Just because people don’t like doing what you do, it doesn’t make them dumb.