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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • Small tip to my northern neighbors. Swamp coolers. Essentially a fan blowing across a medium of water. Crazy low power consumption compared to AC. The only caveat is humidity. It works by essentially exchangeing water for thermal energy. So if its already humid it won’t work. But if the humidity is below %40, you can cool a room by up to 6 or 7 C

    TIL: Most of Canada is humid, had no clue. Thought countries near the arctics didn’t have to worry about that.

  • Look I’m not one to say American invasion was right in any way, but this is a bit of a misleading in title. Most sources in the article reference indirect deaths. If we quantified everything in indirect deaths, death tolls across the board would be inflated in the same proportion. I think it important to keep in mind the U.S. wasn’t fuckin digging mass graves over there. The stated number would mean we would need to kill around 600 people a day for 20+ years. No amount of media corruption in the world could coverup that many deaths. I’ve known and do know people who were natives that served as translators during the war, that’s not how they tell it.

  • Most research shows that child predators seek out positions of authority and trust in order to best take advantage of youth. It not only forms a relationship of trust, but one of fear if they speak out. Id imagine it’s way easier to become a pastor/preacher/preist than it is a teacher, or school liaison officer, or community leader.

    Not saying there aren’t problems with the church/religion as a whole. Christianity especially, most Christians now days represent almost everything Jesus spoke against.