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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I have never needed one for support, but for the past 20, 30 years the US has had some sort of weird rule that only smooth lumps are professional, no hint of actual breast shape. That’s easing in non-professional public life, finally, so I don’t wear one a lot of the time, but at work wear something with light padding to make that weird Barbie doll lump shape.

    Sports bra for running, yes that serves a practical function - holds the boobs still so they don’t bounce and hurt. So if one is more endowed and bouncing in everyday life, I imagine that a bra with structural support would be more comfortable than nothing.

    I really wanted to answer that the point is right at the front of each cup!

  • So, we have a reasonable house but one that still needs a lot of work. I had a dream that someone offered us a million dollars for it in a forced sale because there were apartments to be built on our block, and I realized that wouldn’t be enough. I wouldn’t move out of our house for a million dollars. I want to live here.

    If we got stupid money, I’d do all the stuff to the house that we want to do. I think we’d travel more too.

    Having been both so poor I was homeless and now firmly middle class and everything in between - there is lifestyle creep with more money. We have done some of the stuff to the house that it needs, we host family holidays and parties, it costs money; we have two cars, not one, pets, occasional trips to the beach with a hotel stay instead of just for the day.

    But the curve of this lifestyle inflation flattens as we approach our ideal, if that makes sense. There is a point where more just isn’t better. We are so close to it now.

    So if the money was infinite, but couldn’t be distributed to others as charity, I think we would retire, travel, improve the house, get new cars (well, husband would, I love my car). Not move, not live super large, not eat much differently.

    Either that, or I would open a little bar in my neighborhood, give up the dream of leisure and make it a wonderful, welcoming place with great drinks and food, start a business as my kids all are almost grown. That’s more likely, I am not so good at slowing down.

  • There are two answers for me. Sometimes I stop and think my way out of it and am ok after a couple hours, I can let it go.

    Sometimes I just get angrier and angrier as I think about it, and in that situation I must talk to the other party. That usually takes a day or two because it takes me that long to realize I’m not gonna calm down, am still mad. But every time this has happened, the other party has apologized because they, in the same intervening time, have realized they were being asshole-ish.

    Nobody I know takes that long to tell me, if I am being asshole-ish. It can take me an hour or so to calm down and apologize.

    All of this assumes good intentions on all sides. My ex, you couldn’t back down or apologize with him, he saw it as weakness and would mock, was terrible at fighting.

  • I think I may be the only person on the face of the earth with no preference on this. My commute is immaterial, the office about 2k away, working from home is kind of a drag but I don’t have to get dressed and can keep the household going (which is part of why it’s a drag) online meetings suck even more than in person meetings, otherwise fine to work remotely. So when we were working from home, I was fine with it, then hybrid I thought would be the worst of all, no, it was fine. Now they say come in at least 3 days, I am going to put away the home workstation and just work at the office, reclaim the space at home, that’s fine too. It’s pretty much the same job either way.

  • Have you seen a neurologist or headache specialist or only a GP? If there is a cause maybe it can be treated and you can find relief. I do get migraines, but not every day, not even every week. My other guess is allergies, but in any event, keep a good record of what you are doing and feeling, and bring the information to a doctor! I don’t think it’s wrong at all to post and ask though, you get more ideas and that will help.

    Running doesn’t help me as much as a vigorous yoga class, the “flow” kind that is more athletic and movement based, then moves to static poses at the end. Or dancing, that works too. The cycling sounds like enough, honestly, anything that is regular and kind of exhausting, will relax your mind.

  • Migraines come during sleep like that, but if Paracetamol works no way is it a migraine. That stuff literally does nothing for any pain I’ve had, ever.

    I agree with everyone here, this seems like a lifestyle thing - if your body is indeed sensitive to stress and relaxation, you are not doing it any favors with the paracetamol. Likely too stressed in day, too relaxed at night, the sudden change a trigger. Obviously you don’t want to fix that by being tense while asleep, so tackling the day stress responses make more sense. Do you exercise?

    What happens if you just have either coffee or the Adderall in the morning, without the painkiller drug?