Pioneer of the brave new frontier.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • The N64 was the only Nintendo console I skipped. I just couldn’t afford two consoles and the PlayStation was obviously a better choice, but I still kinda wish I had gotten to experience Ocarina and Majora’s Mask when they were brand new and not years later on the GameCube. I played at my friend’s houses, but just hated that controller. The Wavebird made it a bit more palatable, but it was still just too “avante garde” for its own good. Feels like I needed yo shove a mop handle in the expansion port and use it as a trident.

  • I don’t know. He didn’t just “flip tables”. In John 2:15, he “braided a whip out of cords” to drive them from the temple. However, in the original Greek, the word used for whip was “phragellion”, which isn’t an ordinary whip. This was the type of whip used in Gladiatorial combat by Romans, and was typically fashioned with weights or barbs at the ends of the falls. This was a whip designed explicitly to do harm, and no other whip in the Bible is described as a phragellion. Making such a whip is a deliberate, premeditated and time-consuming process. I would argue that this specific detail suggests that, while His actions are not directed by hatred, He still clearly intended to hurt the people defiling the temple and abusing their authority.

    And these are the only people Jesus ever deliberately harms. Which is very telling.

  • Yeah, actually. This has completely derailed what has historically been a powerful platform for progressive and leftist movements going into a US election cycle. Same with Twitter. Meanwhile, the MAGA propaganda machine at Meta chugs along unfettered.

    I can’t see any other motivation. There is certainly no economic incentive to run either business as they have been, but running the companies into the ground as a means to control or destroy opposition communication platforms definitely makes sense.

  • Here’s my example: I subscribed to Paramount Plus explicitly for Star Trek content. The week I subscribed, they pulled all of the non-Abrams films. So I got to watching other stuff. Eventually, they brought all of the films back. Cool, right?

    So I finally get around to Prodigy, a show made for Paramount Plus. Two episodes in, and it vanishes. No announcements or warnings that that show was just going to disappear. It’s gone. Because “it wasn’t popular enough”. A show that only existed on that one platform was pulled off of that platform with absolutely no other legal way to view it. Content that I specifically signed up for that platform to see, and now I can’t… legally. Yo ho, yo ho, me hardies.