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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Unironically the answer is “shop less.”

    Prices on goods rise when demand for goods stays sufficient to support the price going up. The less everyone buys, the less things will cost.

    Prices for goods have almost nothing to do with the price of rent, but the mechanisms there are the same - it’s just that you have to encourage building rather than “live somewhere less” because the second option really isn’t tenable, for obvious reasons.

    If you want rent to come down, campaign for, vote for, or even run for office to be the candidate that will change zoning laws and encourage building multifamily housing.

  • Yes. Brainstorming how to “redpill” people is one of the far-rights favourite past times, right up there with using slurs and obsessing about strangers having the correct opinons about their own genitals.

    Cool then yes, if I could tolerate those people as much as I tolerate leftists, and thus hang out with them, I would make these same posts. I struggle to do that because when they speak I want to put a hammer through my skull.

    Have you forgotten which one of us was having a big teary about not feeling welcome because this thread right here was too left wing? I’m fine where I am thanks.

    You still seem to think this is about me, and it is not.

    Yep. Growth and growth only. The user count goes up by one and we can pretend “bigger number means better”

    It literally does. I support the fediverse and thus want it to grow. If you need a place just for you, you can find one that aligns with you or create your own.

  • You can move within your country and your experience will be entirely different. You can’t in China, because it’s an authoritarian hellstate.

    I agree that Republicans are authoritarians, and that sucks. I also acknowledge that you likely view hierarchies as inherently authoritarian and that we’ll likely not see eye to eye on where to draw lines. Also fine - that’s what liberal ideologies want, is that disagreement.

    But to compare China positively with the US in terms of authoritarianism is, frankly, a bit silly.