Some dingbat that occasionally builds neat stuff without breaking others. The person running this public-but-not-promoted instance because reasons.

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 24th, 2024


  • I’m going to try one more time here…

    Nobody said ‘deny’ at any point in this exchange. The OP said mandatory/compulsory, aka force them to do so.

    Deny and compel are NOT the same thing, they are in fact functionally the opposite each other.

    What point is there to compel someone who self-selects as lacking in knowledge/interest in the process. You waste time and resources for the voter, the process administrators, enforcement personnel, everyone any anyone involved including the willing and eager participants by creating longer lines and a wasting their tax funds just to satisfy a mandate by having Cleatus write ‘fuck you’ on a ballot.

    If that is too complicated to understand I can’t help you.

  • Zuckerberg wrote that the censored content included humor and satire, and that administration officials “expressed a lot of frustration with our teams when we didn’t agree.”

    It does, but given what it is they’re griping about being censored you can bet it was a lot of anti-vax/covid is a joke stuff. People trying to promote vaccination don’t tend to make jokes about it.