Our News Team @ 11 with host Snot Flickerman

  • 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023


  • I don’t know, that mindset is so foreign to me. If someone was overestimating how long it would take because they were simply trying to be conservative and not run into unexpected cost overruns, I would commend them. I’ve always considered it more prudent to expect something to take longer so you know the kind of budget you need up front instead of lying to yourself about it. It costs a lot more (in terms of lost time and productivity) to have to swing a new budget mid-project because it turns out you’ve burned through the planned budget and you’re only 2/3 the way done with the project.

    So, screw your manager, you’re doing the right thing, in my eyes. I guess that’s why I’m not in charge of anything.

  • The study considers two main types of anti-piracy messaging. The first, prosocial messaging, asks pirates to consider the effect of their consumption on others, such as harm to film industry workers and how piracy compromises the quality of future productions.

    This might work for some people, but folks who are familiar with Hollywood and Recording Industry accounting practices and payment schemes fully understand that this is a joke and those industries work fucking hard to not pay people a living wage.

    It’s an instant turn off and reminder whose pockets I’m really putting money into unless I’m supporting artists directly through something like Patreon or Bandcamp Fridays.

    Real pro-social anti-piracy messaging would work on providing me with more options like Bandcamp Fridays, instead of making empty promises that they can renege on easily.