30s. Gay. Star Trek lover.

I post using Boost for Lemmy! Also on Mastodon!

Note: Assume I did not make the meme. I just post 'em.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023

  • I’m on disability. It is illegal to discriminate against those with disability. I have had multiple landlords immediately change their mind upon learning I’m on disability. One woman even said sure, come over with the deposit tomorrow. When I showed up she had cops there and said In was trying to trespass. Explained the deal to the cops and they left but the woman said she doesn’t trust people on disability. I’ve had other people actively say in postings that they will not rent to people with disability.

    I’ve reported at least 10 people over the past 4-5 years. Slam dunk situations with recorded phone calls admitting bias. Emails doing the same.

    Nothing ever happened to any of them.

  • Memes are just a weighted blanket for my life. Occasionally my toes poke out.

    Thanks buddy. I try my best. Past couple weeks things have been a bit off so I haven’t been able to post as much as usual but it’s been nice to see stuff still churning on anyway with more people stepping up and memeing out. I absolutely love this place and I’ll never stop being all “aww shucks” with comments like this. If I could have even a tiny part to do with this place being lively and awesome then I can die happy.

  • To be honest, if he was, by his own admittance, standing on a public sidewalk for 30 minutes with his gear, then he earned that loitering fine.

    When asked under what circumstances Quebec City police will arrest or fine someone for loitering, Dion said “it’s on a case-by-case basis,” and "it’s up to police officers’ discretion.

    So he didn’t earn anything other than a cop randomly choosing that he was loitering. There is no written definition circumstances in which someone can be classified as loitering. There are tons of people who do the same, if not worse, and are not subjected to this undignified arrest and fine. If a different cop were to show up and have a different opinion, he’d have never gotten the fine. If you cannot concretely say that “This is what you have broken” and “This is why it is wrong” then there should not be a punishment for it.

    This was also explained to him and it written on his ticket, so he’s contradicting himself by saying they never explained what law was broken.

    He is not contradicting himself. The person who refused to say what bylaw was broken was a completely different person with a different name. I’d suggest reading the article in future so you don’t make such mistakes.

    Being a professional photographer doesn’t give someone the right to take ownership of the public space.

    He never claimed ownership of the public space.

    if they didn’t stop him after 30 minutes, he could have been there for hours.

    He said that the sun came out while he was in the cruiser and he missed the shot. So if anything, the police kept him at this place even longer.

    Either way, he’s acting entitled.

    For wanting to use a public space and expecting fair/impartial application of the rules? And clear rules to begin with? Lolno

  • She said when the police officers arrived, they determined that the individual was breaking a municipal bylaw and asked him to provide his identity, but he refused, so they arrested him.

    Dion confirmed the person was fined but declined to confirm his name or what bylaw he broke.

    Then he didn’t break a by-law. If you can’t immediately tell someone what crime they committed then they didn’t commit a fucking crime.

    When asked under what circumstances Quebec City police will arrest or fine someone for loitering, Dion said “it’s on a case-by-case basis,” and "it’s up to police officers’ discretion.

    Nope. This is nonsensical. If there is ANYTHING that has been demonstrated over the past few years it is that police simply are not capable of holding themselves to any accountability. Giving them a blanket reason they can arrest/fine anyone is flagrantly unacceptable.

  • Yeah. That’s the line that got me too. It’s just another demonstration of how this country overall fails to, even remotely, adequately take care of disabled people. I’m on the low end of that spectrum but I have to deal with hell constantly. The more difficult a position you’re in the less anyone seems to care. Example? Landlords in Ontario will openly refuse to rent to you if you’re on Disability. This is flagrantly illegal but there is zero oversight and backlash for doing it just like Air Canada has zero real consequences or backlash.

    Disabled folks across the board are going to be treated like shit endlessly until there’s both someone in a position to help who’s willing to help and that the majority of people are willing to even care in the first place to help.

    We’re going to see another story like this from Air Canada or some other major Canadian corporation this Christmas season. I guarantee it. At least one.

  • Ive been rewatching Star Trek Voyager recently

    Good choice.

    I’d imagine that AI probably will be able to in 10-15 years. We already have that photoshop stuff that can analyze the surroundings and then fill in gaps/erase stuff. It’s not perfect but it’s the ground floor. I can only imagine that in the not too distant future it’ll be able to fill in the gaps of video too. Especially with a consistent set like Voyagers main engineering, as an example.

    Actually come to think of it, the same principle could be used to make VR environments too.