The sooner the Islamic Regime in Tehran falls the better. The Iranian people deserve freedom.
Communitarian social democrat. Roman Catholic. Interests in literature, history, philosophy and collecting vinyl records.
The sooner the Islamic Regime in Tehran falls the better. The Iranian people deserve freedom.
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Not much. British Muslims spent the last 10 months attacking British Jews and calling for a genocide of the Jewish people in Israel, burning Union Jacks, calling for ‘death to the West’, and so on and so on.
I’m not saying they should be subject to similar attacks themselves, but I’m not going to march in their defence.
They could have done that after October 7th, and they chose to celebrate the death of Jews. So I’m simply not going to march with them at all. Let’s see what happens.
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What do you think ‘Zionist’ means?
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Haviv Rettig Gur put it very accurately and concisely, if brutally, in a lecture he gave recently:
For Jews In the 21st century, you either learned English or Hebrew or you were killed.
As a Brit myself (English, Catholic, English as far back as Ancestry can tell etc.) I’m really ashamed of this country since October 7th. It’s as if we felt that we had been impervious to the very deep, ancient cancer of antisemitism due to WW2. And that seems to have left us even more defenceless than many other European states which have at least tried at points to contain this.
Have you read the article?
You mean the plan accepted by the Jews and rejected by the Arabs, right before they launched a war which in the words of Haj Amin al-Husseini, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and close friend of Adolf Hitler, they would “continue fighting until the Zionists were annihilated” and, in the words of one of the most senior leaders of Jerusalem, Jamal al-Husayni, that “the blood will flow like rivers in the Middle East”?
That’s the war you’re referring to re: “The UN’s right to defend itself”?
Because of course, it could have done at the time, and defended itself against the side that rejected the UN plan: the Arabs. And it didn’t.
So what’s your point here, if not spreading Jew-hatred?
(The UN does not, in fact, have a ‘right to defend itself’, nor to slaughter Jews in brutal pogroms, nor to teach generations of children that the greatest thing they can do with their lives is detonate a suicide vest in a crowd of Jewish civilians using the money of the international community)
Per the article, they didn’t investigate all 350, the UN only investigated 19. Not really interested in that argument, though.
What do you mean when you say ‘Zionist’ about me? Specifically, what do you mean by that word?
Appalling but antisemitism is becoming increasingly mainstream in Europe unfortunately
Facts don’t care about your feelings.
What an objectively stupid thing to say. Saying the Holocaust didn’t happen is denial, not comparing it to other shit.
The arrogance and confidence with which people like you speak about antisemitism, despite having never learned anything about it or thought even a second about it in a critical way, is astounding.
You don’t understand Holocaust denialism or antisemitism and yet here you are proclaiming your moral righteousness!
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You can always find fringe groups. It’s a bit pathetic to so openly signal that you know that’s what you’re doing. You’ve picked massively marginal, tiny and unimportant groups. It’s really embarrassing for you man. I mean, really? Boston Review? C’mon man, grow up.
How many Jewish groups share your opinion that the Jews alone, among all the peoples of the world, have no right to national self-determination?
And I swear to fucking God if you add a Naturei Karta link, a group of less than 2,000 members globally, you will have problems.
Just to be clear then:
Are you claiming that the Jewish governing party, made up of Jewish individuals, in the Jewish State (Israel) are incapable of holding back their bloodlust to slaughter non-Jewish children on the basis that they see them as lesser than Jewish children?
Take a moment. Think about it. Because we both know that this is in fact what you have been claiming. And maybe you want to walk that back, and self-reflect, and think whether maybe you’ve gone wrong at some point in your justifiable attempt to seek justice for oppressed peoples.
Did you mean to reply to my comment? Not sure how that’s relevant.
Anyway, you endorse a 1,500 year old antisemitic conspiracy theory, so I’m not sure why you think you deserve to be treated with respect or dignity.
That’s a form of truly psychotic delusion.