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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • That is probably the best solution, but the devil would be in the details. Who would decide on the government? If it is via democratic elections, then the Jews would have a clear majority and could push for policies favoring them. If it is the UN, I believe Muslim nations are the majority and can influence policies to further Arab interests.

    Also, it would not take 40-60 years of not just living as one nation, but forced integration. It would require not just living in the same areas but doing something as drastic forcing all marriages to be interfaith. You would need to destroy people’s identities as Jews or Arabs and replace it with a single national identity.

    Remember, they were one nation for the last several decades of the 20th century and it just made them more hostile. As we learned in places like Yugoslavia, forcing old enemies to become a single nation sometimes just makes all the hate grow and ferment.

  • It has been tried quite a few times. Inevitably, one side or the other does something mildly antagonistic, the other side retaliates, and they are back at war.

    Maybe the answer is to do the opposite? Start arming both sides to the gills? Any nation going through nuclear disarmament drops of the nukes in no man’s land between the two? Make it so if either nation so much as sneezes wrong, not only is the region glass, but humanity ends in a nuclear winter, so every country in the world has a stake in keeping the peace?

    /s, but I really don’t have much hope for peace, sadly

  • The airlines are right, pilots should not have to pick between flying a plane that they don’t think is safe and having to authorizing refunds for passengers… they should be able to call an airline safety whistle blower line so that an independent safety officer can take a look and ground the airline for not maintaining their airplanes.

    Seriously, how can airlines argue against it? They are saying that they will pressure pilots to fly death traps? I think airlines would be ashamed to have airplanes in such condition.