He should have installed neovim with LSPs for Python/Rust/etc for intellisense and linting to really get her all hot and bothered.
He should have installed neovim with LSPs for Python/Rust/etc for intellisense and linting to really get her all hot and bothered.
How can you tell? Do you think it’s on purpose, or just the result of so much AI art being pumped into the interwebs for the last year?
Solar’s lack of moving parts is something people overlook, too. Hail storms supposedly rarely damage them, and if they do, you can just replace individual panels.
It depends, $180/mo for 25 years is the agreement and it’s directly connected to the grid both ways which required additional work from the power company to inspect and approve. I think given the projections it was rated for about 25,000 kWh per year * 25 years (approaching 85% efficiency after 30 years), which is a good amount of total production for my needs. Edit: it’s worth considering what $180/mo will look like in 5 to 20 years… it will probably be significantly cheaper compared to other power sources because it’s generated locally.
I just installed a 9.3 kW system with individual microinverters under each panel for grid stability and it is absolutely amazing how much you can power all day without threatening a massive bill at the end of the month. I still import power at night, but the power companies usually have agreements where you get credits for all wattage exported to the grid to cover your imported power at night, because both parties win in that contract.
That was the first level as a child that I learned true patience, few things can compare.
Be sure to cross-post it to the Usenet group for visibility.
Half of reddit feels like a psyop in general lately.
Why aren’t car companies evaluating React Native on mobile OS’s since that seems to be the way of embedded touch UIs going forward?
It is truly incredible how little it takes to get permbanned on reddit. I posted something in r/politics once that the hivemind didn’t agree with, despite being neutral in language, and immediate permban. That is why people keep making accounts over there, they can try and whack-a-mole but you can’t stop an idea.
As someone who writes C++ every day for work, up to version C++20 now, I hate the incoming C++23 even more somehow. The idea of concepts, it just… gets worse and worse. Although structured binding in C++17 did actually help some with the syntax, to be fair.