• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Right but now the car company had a massive incentive to build more efficient vehicles. The tax also isn’t for the consumer necessarily is it?.

    What you will pay is nothing compared to companies running factories and shipping between stores.

    If you haven’t looked into it, our logistics system is all kinds of fucked up. In some cases shipping parts across the ocean to get assembled and shipped back for more assembling before being shipped back again. All because carbon based energy usage has been dirt cheap for too long.

    Its cheapness places externalities on society that we all pay anyways. Carbon taxes is a way to recoup the costs. Its a cost that had we known about these externalities then it would have been built in from the start. It’s multifaceted and encouraged by many as a good solution

  • There’s thousands of kids that get rejected from the education system because they got 97% instead of 98% average or because they got 100 hours of volunteer time instead of 150 hours due to having to work to pay for school.

    We could have a bunch of 97% people filling in these medical positions but the degradation of medical services would be so atrocious we would all wish for the time we needed to wait 8 months to see a specialist for that time sensitive medical condition

    If I ever need urgent care I could always go to a truck stop and ask around to find the immigrant who spent 30 years practicing as a family physician back in Kenya but now drives truck because we won’t recognize their skills other than to bring them into the country

  • For me its when I see a driver who is driving unexpectedly. Like speeding in areas with kids. Or driving at high speeds anywhere.

    roadways are build for a certain speed so we can anticipate oncoming traffic. Like lights are programmed to allow a block of traffic to go then a break so cars turning can complete the turn between the break. if some asshole fucks it up by hammering the gas they will end up in between the blocks making it harder for all the cars to complete their turn since they now have to wait.

    Someone said ‘reading intention’ which is a big part too. I can’t read intention of drivers who are selfishly doing what they want.

    it’s the realization that traffic could be better and safer if it wasn’t for certain drivers

  • What’s there to participate in if the country can’t secure Democratic elections or if the people cant trust the elections are true or if the courts can’t enforce the rules that keep the machine running or if the people lack any kind if shared knowledge that binds them so they are aware how the system runs.

    Participation is important in Democratic countries but its not what makes democracy possible. Democracy is only possible when there are key things in place for it to rest on. Subversion is kicking those legs out from under it. Propaganda targets the civilians to do the kicking.