• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 28th, 2023


  • Most cis sportswomen have naturally elevated “masculine” hormones. Trans women see many physical changes (like fat redistribution and changes in muscle n fat mass) after commencing hormone therapy. Therefore, the “advantage” that they have over cis women is negligible. It is in fact comparable to the advantage that some cis women have over other cis women (the hormone thing that I mentioned in my first sentence).

    But no, being assholes towards trans people is cool, and there clearly aren’t other issues to worry about. /s

  • Replace the word “furry” with “cosplaying”. Is there Ironman-Spiderman porn? Yes. Is cosplaying just about this? No.

    Being a furry isn’t always about sexual stuff. It can just be about being cute and silly. For example, you’ll see kids wearing furry ears, tails n stuff like that. U’ll see kids talking about their “fursona” (a description of what their furry alter ego would look like). Being a furry is primarily about art and just doing fun stuff.

    Now, about furry porn- an artist is probably going to draw dicks n boobs some time in their life. Humans are generally very sexual creatures. They’re going to introduce sexual stuff in practically anything that they do. That’s furry porn. It’s not because being a furry is about porn- it’s because being a human is about porn.

  • I’m also not sure how maxDepth and limit interact when used at the same time.

    Naah I think maxDepth just works like a filter. The limit is there always for pagination. So if you say “limit:20” and “maxDepth: 4”, it will give you the first page with 20 items on it, none of which are > 4 units deep.

    The only… yet.

    Oof. Ideally all of this should be server side code, not client side.

    I think I’ll just stick with the “downloading all comments” thing for now. I’m really bored with working on this one thing for so many days now lol. I want to get more features done. The best way to do this is doing it server side (in a way that parent comments come always before children comments). I think I’ll try doing that after all basic features have been implemented in my frontend.

    Either ways I am going to have to make some changes to the backend (I’m thinking of getting stuff like push notifications in), so it won’t be that unholy to consider this.

  • So, are schools expected to teach kids how to wipe their ass because they might have dumbfuck parents?

    Yes. I know so many people who didn’t learn basic hygiene cuz their parents were dumbfucks. I was one of them. I didn’t know that u have to clean under ur foreskin. When my penis started to stink one day, I learnt about this. Another example is brushing ur teeth. I’m quite sure that u rinse ur mouth immediately after brushing, rinsing the toothpaste away. Did uk u were not supposed to do that? Fluorine in toothpaste requires time to act on ur enamel. Hence, while u should spit the toothpaste out, u shouldn’t rinse ur mouth always.

    How many cases of dental cavities have occurred due to people not learning about this? Cases which could’ve easily been prevented by good education.

    Are you seriously expecting the school to teach every fucking basic things of life because bad parenting is a thing?

    Yes. It isn’t the kid’s fault for having shitty/no parents. It is however society’s fault if the kid has to suffer through the effects of shitty/no parents.

    Start paying teacher like you pay doctor, lawyer, dentist or even construction workers and then we’ll talk.

    So we do agree. Of course teachers are incredibly underpaid. Of course they need to be paid as much as doctors, engineers and so on.

  • The kids aren’t okay with that. I’m sure that instead of staying quiet and messing with their phones, they’re now actively causing a disturbance in the class.

    I know this because I went to both types of schools- where phones were banned and where they weren’t. Guess what- if ur class is shit, kids are going to find some distraction to kill the time. If phones are there, those would be the distraction. If phones aren’t there, then hooliganism, disturbing the class, taking the piss out of the teacher, etc. would be the distractions.

    The problem isn’t the phones. The problem is boring classes, which are a result of a broken and underfunded education system.