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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • Actual insightful conversation on a variety of subjects. Especially current events, I notice this the most when discussing content updates in video games. While official forums exist a lot of the games I play essentially use their subreddit as a semi-official community with devs being active participants.

    /r/eve and /r/pathofexile are great examples of this.

    It’s hard to discount the success Reddit has had over the last decade or so positioning themselves as the “front page of the internet” giving people a forum to discuss all manner of subjects.

    As I understand a lot of the hatred against Reddit and spez specifically comes from his attempts to monetize this phenomenon, not how effective/popular the site was.

  • The TL;DR historically is that rises in wages led to more spending which increased demand and caused inflation. That’s an incredible oversimplification obviously, but that’s the meat and potatoes of it. People have more money to spend, companies can charge more, your individual dollars become worth less and less over time.

    Nowadays with wages stagnating (even reducing in some situations) and immigration being so prevelant we have a situation of more people having less to spend but overall more money being injected into the economy having a similar inflationary impact.

    Don’t misread what I wrote and think I am blaming immigration for the current situation, it is entirely the regulatory bodies who dropped the ball by encouraging immigration with no proper economic plan to handle the consequences.

  • I think the disconnect was your first reply which made me believe you were playing devil’s advocate.

    I am also not 100% on board with omitting the parents. I think if there a possibility that the children are being harmed that needs to be something our educators are trained to recognize, no different than if the children were showing up to school malnourished or with unexplained bruises.

    It’s not the school divisions responsibility to determine which ideological beliefs are best for their children and what secrets should be kept from them. They are legal guardians for a reason and have every right to informed of their children’s behavior.

    But I do feel the school divisions has a responsibility to let the proper authorities know if any kind of child abuse is occurring, which includes not allowing a child to express the gender identity they are comfortable with.