Hail the Omnissiah! Praise be to the machine-god.

  • 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Yeah sure but it’s the scale and sincerity.

    Me telling you my opinion on something is just that. I am just some guy. I don’t have access, or even want access, to a billion bots spamming my opinion.

    Also my opinion even if applied really doesn’t mean much practically. Generally speaking I am pro infrastructure so if somehow the government spent more money on infrastructure that only translates, at best, to a small raise on my part. Not the same as say a major corp.

    You see a community board where people can put up ads. What you expect to see are piano lessons, apartment for rent, tutoring etc. little things that really only matter to one person. You don’t expect some megacorp to rip every sign down and turn it into a billboard that blasts from speakers each time someone walks past.

    Basically it’s a question of degree not of kind. It might be that it is all the same kind but the degree is so vastly different.

  • Then it takes forever for them to go into place b

    I have an item that costs me 40 to buy. I sell you the item for 200. I get a hundred now and a hundred when you get the item. If I fill the order now I get my 100. However if I wait a year I get an interest free loan on the 40 bucks. Maybe I push you off for 10 years. I not only get the 100 you owe me I also doubled that 40. If I am a big company I can pull this off, if I am a one man operation I can’t. Guess who gets hired for these projects. Hint it isnt Jeff’s gutter repair.

    And that is just fixed priced contracts. You can imagine the horrorshow of open ended ones.

  • Criminalizing a food via the court instead of by democracy is issue here.

    Your buddies at Greenpeace couldn’t produce good arguments that the product was dubious, so they used Western money, judge shopped, and out lawyered a poor nation. They get to decide for the people there. Individual farmers don’t get to decide what to do with their land, people don’t get to decide how their own nation is to be run,. Greenpeace came in and used forklift piles of money to force their will on the Pinay.

    This is why people fucking hate them. The self-appointed moral authority of the human race answerable to no one but themselves.